Galindabaeva V.V. Karymy and Semeiskie: Constructing Religious Borders in Rural Community (the Case of Khasurta Vaillage of the Tepublic of Buryatia). In: Ethnocultural Identity of the Peoples of Siberia and Adjacent Territories ...

Galindabaeva V.V. Karymy and Semeiskie: Constructing Religious Borders in Rural Community (the Case of Khasurta Vaillage of the Tepublic of Buryatia). In: Ethnocultural Identity of the Peoples of Siberia and Adjacent Territories / exec. ed. E.F. Fursova. - Novosibirsk: IAET SB RAS Publishing, 2019. P. 370-373.
ISBN 978-5-7803-0295-7
DOI 10.17746/0295-7.2019.370-373

Posted on site: 11.03.20



The article is devoted to the study of religious boundaries in the mestizo rural community, which formed in the late 19th century. The main attention is paid to the role of oblivion in the process of reproduction of religious boundaries between groups of Karyms and Semey. The study was conducted in 2017 in the village of Khasurta, Buryatia. Oblivion is becoming an important factor in maintaining ethnic boundaries along with religion.


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