Popova S.M., Shakhrai S.M., Yanik A.A. Constitutional guarantees and protection of the rights of veterans of the Great Patriotic war. In: The Great Victory of the Soviet People: socio-political and demographic aspects: [monograph] ...

Popova S.M., Shakhrai S.M., Yanik A.A. Constitutional guarantees and protection of the rights of veterans of the Great Patriotic war. In: The Great Victory of the Soviet People: socio-political and demographic aspects: [monograph] / S. V. Riazantsev, V. N. Ivanov [et al.]; Ed. S. V. Riazantsev, V. N. Ivanov; ISPR FСTAC RAS, Moscow: Ekon – inform Publishing house, 2020. P. 56-79.

Глава из книги: Великая Победа советского народа: социально-политические и демографические аспекты: [монография] / С.В. Рязанцев, В.Н. Иванов [и др.]; Отв. ред. С.В. Рязанцев, В.Н. Иванов; ИСПИ ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: Изд-во Экон-Информ, 2020. – 450 с.
ISBN 978-5-907233-70-6
DOI нет

Posted on site: 18.05.20


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