Mikhaylyonok O.M. Political context of problems of ensuring national security in the global, information, network society. In: Sovereignty-Security-Integration as constants of sustainable state development: international experience and national realities. Belarusian political science: diversity in unity. Collection of materials of the IX international scientific and practical conference in 2 parts. ...

Mikhaylyonok O.M. Political context of problems of ensuring national security in the global, information, network society. In: Sovereignty-Security-Integration as constants of sustainable state development: international experience and national realities. Belarusian political science: diversity in unity. Collection of materials of the IX international scientific and practical conference in 2 parts. // ed. A. A. Lazarevich (GL. ed.), V. N. Vatyl (GL. ed.) [et al.]. Part 2. 2020. - publishing House: Grodno state University named after Yanki Kupala (Grodno). P. 53-55.
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Posted on site: 09.06.20



In today's complex world, for every political actor represented by sovereign States, one of the main components of foreign and domestic policy is to ensure the security of the state, social groups and individuals. The authors use a working definition of security as an actor's ability to control emerging threats. Nowadays, characterized by globalization, Informatization and slavishly companies, growth risks and challenges techno-economic, socio-political and cultural development, actualizarea the objective of the study various aspects of mechanisms able to adequately and efficiently provide social and political security and stability. Already in the first decades of the twenty-first century, unusually large-scale, global changes began to occur, the pace of which exceeds anything we have seen so far. These changes are characterized by increasing complexity, diversity and ambiguity, uncertainty of results. The security of society as a whole and of each individual will be determined by whether humanity can cope with extremely complex global, systemic and universal problems that are sources of threats and risks of the new social reality. In a global risk society, socio-political relations show an ambivalent dynamic. This applies to various aspects and components of these relationships. It can be argued that politics as a type of activity under the influence of its networking processes is becoming significantly different before our eyes. In General theoretical terms, the most important factor affecting the security of society is the presence of a strategic culture in the political culture, strategic thinking among political (and not only) actors. Proponents of the network paradigm argue that the increasingly obvious inability of various social institutions, including the state, to resolve social conflicts, reduce social risks and threats, requires the search for network tools that can ensure the security of society. In today's complex world, for every political actor represented by sovereign States, one of the main components of foreign and domestic policy is to ensure the security of the state, social groups and individuals. The authors use a working definition of security as an actor's ability to control emerging threats. Nowadays, characterized by globalization, Informatization and slavishly companies, growth risks and challenges techno-economic, socio-political and cultural development, actualizarea the objective of the study various aspects of mechanisms able to adequately and efficiently provide social and political security and stability.Already in the first decades of the twenty-first century, unusually large-scale, global changes began to occur, the pace of which exceeds anything we have seen so far. These changes are characterized by increasing complexity, diversity and ambiguity, uncertainty of results. The security of society as a whole and of each individual will be determined by whether humanity can cope with extremely complex global, systemic and universal problems that are sources of threats and risks of the new social reality. In a global risk society, socio-political relations show an ambivalent dynamic. This applies to various aspects and components of these relationships. It can be argued that politics as a type of activity under the influence of its networking processes is becoming significantly different before our eyes.In General theoretical terms, the most important factor affecting the security of society is the presence of a strategic culture in the political culture, strategic thinking among political (and not only) actors. Proponents of the network paradigm argue that the increasingly obvious inability of various social institutions, including the state, to resolve social conflicts, reduce social risks and threats, requires the search for network tools that can ensure the security of society.

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