Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles]

Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] / ed.: edited by O. M. Mikhailenoc – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2020. – 262 p. (Consent in society as a condition for the development of Russia. Issue 6).
ISBN 978-5-89697-328-7
DOI нет

Posted on site: 06.07.20

Текст книги.


This collection of scientific articles continues the research cycle of socio-economic political relations in modern society, which are conducted by the author the team since 2011 This publication is dedicated to the study of theory and practice socio-political relations in modern society in terms of digital reality. The acceleration in the process of globalization, Informatization, slavishly companies and the related risks and challenges techno-economic, socio-political and cultural development actualizes the analytical approach in the consideration of various aspects of the mechanisms that can effectively ensure political security and stability in the new reality. The readers are also offered scientific reports of Polish sociologists based on the results of the Institute for political research Polish Academy of Sciences research project People in networks. The book is addressed to researchers and teachers of higher education institutions, postgraduates and students majoring in political sociology and related fields disciplines.



Брега А.В., Воронкова О.А., Зеленко Б.И., Красин Ю.А., Люблинский В.В., Макушина Л.В., Михайленок О.М., Москвин Л.Б., Никовская Л.И., Оганисьян Ю.С., Шиманская Э.С., Щенина О.Г., Яжборовская И.С., , , Садовский И.
Редактор: Михайленок О.М.

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