Zelenko B.I. About the new regulatory context in the network space Of Russia. In: Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] ...

Zelenko B.I. About the new regulatory context in the network space Of Russia. In: Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] / ed.: edited by O. M. Mikhailenoc – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2020. (Consent in society as a condition for the development of Russia. Issue 6). P. 105-115.

Глава из книги: Политические отношения в эпоху цифровых технологий и сетевого общества: [сборник научных статей] / Отв. ред. О. М. Михайленок; ФНИСЦ РАН. – Москва: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 262 с. (Согласие в обществе как условие развития России. Выпуск 6).
ISBN 978-5-89697-328-7
DOI нет

Posted on site: 06.07.20



The article attempts to understand the functionality of the network state and network law from the perspective of the regulatory context of the virtual space. The author substantiates the idea of a normative framework in the form of a legal state for the functioning of the network state and its main tool – network law. Objective reasons for the appearance of new regulations are investigated. The lag in the development of the Russian state from the modern information and communication dynamics suggests the need to balance the legal and social state with the network state. It is not excluded that further cognitive science in this area will advance the new state form along the path of its inclusion in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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