Brega A.V. Political risk in the context of networked modern societies. In: Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] ...

Brega A.V. Political risk in the context of networked modern societies. In: Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] / ed.: edited by O. M. Mikhailenoc – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2020. (Consent in society as a condition for the development of Russia. Issue 6). P. 75-83.

Глава из книги: Политические отношения в эпоху цифровых технологий и сетевого общества: [сборник научных статей] / Отв. ред. О. М. Михайленок; ФНИСЦ РАН. – Москва: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 262 с. (Согласие в обществе как условие развития России. Выпуск 6).
ISBN 978-5-89697-328-7
DOI нет

Posted on site: 06.07.20



In a modern, networked society, political risk takes on new configurations, primarily related to the transformation of power relations. The networking of political relations leads to the fact that the traditional vertical of power is transformed into a field of power; the online mode, which is widely implemented in the management process and public relations, builds multi-complex communications in a new way. Risk arises as a result of the choices that inevitably entails social responsibility. To be aware of a risk is to eliminate it or interpret it for further action. Any situation of political risk is embedded in a certain socio-cultural context, which always has its own historical and event specifics. Therefore, political risk in a networked society becomes more variable and, in many respects, based on the interests of the socio-cultural context, it will receive its false interpretation.

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