Efanova O.A., Pisklakova-Parker M.P., Chernova A.P. Environmental gender in everyday life as a factor in the formation of new social norms. Colloquium-journal, 2020, Issue 10 (62), pp. 26-31.

Efanova O.A., Pisklakova-Parker M.P., Chernova A.P. Environmental gender in everyday life as a factor in the formation of new social norms. Colloquium-journal, 2020, Issue 10 (62), pp. 26-31.
ISSN 2520-2480
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42739412

Posted on site: 09.07.20

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: http://www.colloquium-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/colloquium-journal-1062-chast-6.pdf (дата обращения 09.07.2020)


The article considers the gender dimension of environmental behavior in the daily life of a modern person. The main provisions and conclusions of the article are based on data from a survey of the population of the Republic of Karelia in the framework of the Russian-Swedish project Ecology and gender, which aimed to study the daily practices of the population of the Republic in the environmental sphere. The article substantiates the point of view that the development of modern technologies that lead to a reduction in the severity of environmental problems in the industrial sphere, being used to create a comfortable human environment, leads to the displacement of environmental problems in the sphere of everyday life of people. Using a gender approach allows for a deeper understanding of the origins and causes of the level of environmental activity of men and women, since gender order largely determines the nature of everyday practices.

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