Sapov V.V. Sverzhenie idola revoljutsii [Overthrow of the idol of the revolution]. In: Sorokin P.A. Listki iz russkogo dnevnika – i 30 let spustja [Leaves from the Russian diary-and 30 years later] ...

Sapov V.V. Sverzhenie idola revoljutsii [Overthrow of the idol of the revolution]. In: Sorokin P.A. Listki iz russkogo dnevnika – i 30 let spustja [Leaves from the Russian diary-and 30 years later] / Comp., translation, podgot. text, introductory article and commentary by V. V. Sapov. – SPb.: Scythia-print, 2020. P. 5-33.

Глава из книги: Сорокин П.А. Листки из русского дневника – и 30 лет спустя / Сост., перевод, подгот. текста, вступ. ст. и коммен. В.В. Сапова. – СПб.: Скифия-принт, 2020. – 488 с.
ISBN 978-5-98620-369-0
DOI нет

Posted on site: 13.07.20



The article is devoted to the formation of the sociology of the revolution in Russia. The history of the concept itself, its reception in Russia, and the debunking of the idea of revolution by Pitirim Sorokin are reviewed.

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