Nogovitsin O. Russian sociopolitical thought of the beginning of the XX century and the Letter of the Testament: revolutionary messianism of God-builders and conservatism of V. V. Rozanov. Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies, 2020, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 23–42.

Nogovitsin O. Russian sociopolitical thought of the beginning of the XX century and the Letter of the Testament: revolutionary messianism of God-builders and conservatism of V. V. Rozanov. Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies, 2020, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 23–42.
ISSN 0352-5007
DOI 10.18485/ms_zmss.2020.97.2

Posted on site: 30.09.20

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 30.09.2020)


In the article, the inner form and the most important elements of content of the supplement by religion, which has influenced both Marxist revolutionary messianism and anti-messianism of conservative consciousness and conservative social and political thought of the Modernist period. The adversarial relationship of these two philosophical and ideological positions was often interpreted through the lens of the opposition of the Old and the New Testament, of conservative essence of the former and messianistic essence of the latter. As an example of the revolutionary-messianistic logic, the theory of “propaganda” of Russian Marxists God-builders is considered in the article, represented along with an analysis of historical forms of religious consciousness, firstly in the work of A. V. Lunacharsky “Religion and Socialism” (1908), while for an example of historical self-reflection of conservative consciousness we took the criticism of the New Testament and Christianity by V. V. Rozanov.


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