Shabunova A.A., Rostovskaya T. K. On the necessity to develop models of optimal conditions for the formation and implementation of demographic attitudes. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 38–57. DOI: 10.15838 ...

Shabunova A.A., Rostovskaya T. K. On the necessity to develop models of optimal conditions for the formation and implementation of demographic attitudes. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 38–57. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.4.70.2
ISSN 1998-0698
DOI 10.15838/esc.2020.4.70.2

Posted on site: 10.11.20



The article represents the conceptual foundations of a unique interregional study on the population’s demographic behavior based on a sociological monitoring “Demographic well-being in Russia”, the key points of its methodology are described here, and a range of possibilities for analyzing sociological data is shown as well. The purpose of this paper is to define a comprehensive methodology that not only allows identifying individual practices of the population’s demographic behavior and the information field of its formation but also makes it possible to develop a model of optimal conditions for the formation and implementation of demographic attitudes. The relevance of this work is caused by the necessity to timely receive complete, scientifically justified data on the state and determinants of demographic development of Russian regions and the efficiency of demographic policy; in particular, while implementing the national project “Demography”. The theoretical foundations of the presented research take into account the institutional and evolutionary concepts of demography, sociology, economics, and philosophy in relation to its object – the population’s demographic behavior – implemented   in a sociodemographic approach that defines the demographic behavior of the population as a set of demographic attitudes (ideas) and actions that result in the acquisition of demographic status relative to childhood, marital status, health status, and territory of residence. The uniqueness of the monitoring is an opportunity to assess demographic behavior in the cohesion of its types (reproductive, matrimonial, self-preservatory, migration), as well as the efficiency of the demographic policy. The authors describe options of analyzing demographic behavior, such as cross-analysis of components and determinants of the demographic behavior, search for territorial features of socio-demographic processes and its regulation, and determination of the characteristics of the population’s socio-demographic groups. The results of the first wave of this monitoring allow getting a detailed picture of a current demographic situation, provide ample opportunities for obtaining and analyzing information, and it will become a foundation for determining directions of an in-depth research and a search for ways and mechanisms to adjust Russia’s socio-demographic policy. All-Russian nature of the study contributes to a balanced approach to an analysis and adjustment of the situation in the regions, which is extremely important because it will make it possible to take into account regional specifics and identify successful practices. As the result, a model of conditions may be created. In it, demographic attitudes and real behavior patterns, which lead to the results determined by the country’s demographic policy, are formed.

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