Mchedlova M. M., Kazarinova D. B. identity Politics: competition of new theoretical meanings and political strategies. Political science, 2020, no. 4, pp. 13-35.

Mchedlova M. M., Kazarinova D. B. identity Politics: competition of new theoretical meanings and political strategies. Political science, 2020, no. 4, pp. 13-35.
ISSN 1998-1775
DOI 10.31249/poln/2020.04.01

Posted on site: 26.11.20

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 26.11.2020)


The fragility of the modern unstable world gave rise to both theoretical and methodological crises, and opened up opportunities for discursive and political-pragmatic going beyond the boundaries of linear normative structures of Modernity. The inclusion paradigm the interpretation of the political reality of the concepts of identity and identity politics in instrumental practice appropriate strategies and technologies that lead to improving the performance of scientific research, on the other - to the aggravation of the uncertainty and destructive due to the use of political practices, guided around them. The subject field of these concepts is diversified and fragmented, reflecting the multiplicity of referents and generating conceptual and political-instrumental competition. The aim of the research is to trace the theoretical response to changing reality, which is poorly described by the traditional institutional paradigm of political science and requires the incorporation of socio-cultural meanings, which then becomes a catalyst and legitimizing basis for certain political practices. Methodologically the research is based on the recognition of plurality as the basis for modern ontologies, policies, competition between the parts which is due to the private setting, and the very nature entails the risk of archaism, the crushing of solidarity, unmanifested human future. The authors address the conceptual positions of the theories of protest identity By M. Castels resentment (F. Fukuyama), pseudo-politics (M. Lilla), life politics (E. Giddens), tribes and new tribalism (M. Maffesoli) and retrotopia (Z. Bauman).

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