Kozhin V.V., Samofalova М.А., Chigrin V.A. Nstitutional Sustainability in Russian Professional Sports. Scholars of the note of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology. Special edition, 2020, Vol. 6(72), No 3, pp. 3-15.

Kozhin V.V., Samofalova М.А., Chigrin V.A. Nstitutional Sustainability in Russian Professional Sports. Scholars of the note of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology. Special edition, 2020, Vol. 6(72), No 3, pp. 3-15.
ISSN 2413-1709
DOI 10.37279/2413-1709-2020-6-3-3-15
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43083937

Posted on site: 01.12.20



This article examines how the target interests of the subjects of the sub-Institute of professional sports affect its institutional stability. We put forward a private hypothesis, according to which there is no consistency of ideas about what rules should regulate professional sports, what should be its content, what model is necessary for its successful development. As a result, there is a lack of institutional stability, which contains prerequisites for the erosion of existing institutional restrictions. This has a negative impact on all aspects of the functioning of professional sports: the preparation of the reserve, the economic component, but, first of all, sports results. The lack of coherence hinders its further institutionalization, which is manifested in the lack of formal and informal norms necessary for development. We see the solution to this problem in a clear conceptualization of the model of professional sports, which would not contain the main defect of its modern stage of transformation in the form of contradictory trends that mutually exclude the ability to meet the interests of its main subjects. The main goal is to reveal the depth of normative and target contradictions between various factors of professional sports. This is important in order to identify potential threats of the collapse of the social Institute of sports due to targeted disagreements in the sub - Institute of professional sports.

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