Bozhkov O. B., Protasenko T. Z. (eds.) My housing history-2. Autobiographical essays. St. Petersburg: Norma, 2020. - 320 p. DOI: 10.31119 ...

Bozhkov O. B., Protasenko T. Z. (eds.) My housing history-2. Autobiographical essays. St. Petersburg: Norma, 2020. - 320 p. DOI: 10.31119/livinghistory2020
ISBN 978-5-87857-302-3
DOI 10.31119/livinghistory2020

Posted on site: 02.12.20

Текст книги.


The collection includes materials sent to the competition of autobiographies My Housing History after the book of the same name was published in 2018. The publication of autobiographical essays is preceded by introductory articles, which give the researchers' view on the history of solving the housing problem in Leningrad and modern St. Petersburg. The collection includes three sections: scientific articles on housing problem, autobiographical sketches and, finally, a relatively new turn in housing history - museography of apartments. The last section presents two cases of creation of private museum-apartments, which are still living, and the story about the unique museum of one village. The book concludes with the article Communal apartment - our cultural heritage?. The book will be useful for historians, sociologists, ethnographers, as well as everyone who is interested in the history of the country; everyone who thinks about what and how has been and is happening in such a critical area of our lives, as housing.



Ачильдиев С.И., , Бутовская Ф.И., , Ерофеев А.Д., Доливо-Добровольский И.В., Дьяконов А.В., Капитонов Д.М., Каталымов С.А., Лесникова Г.А., Лесохина Л.И., Машина О.Г., Минина Т.Р., Мурзина-Бенуа А.О., Нестеров Ю.М., Подопригора Б.А., Подопригора Н.М., , Романова М.Н., Саблина В.В., Синочкин Д.Ю., Смирнов А.Б., Сом Л.В., Француз Ю.А., Фролова Е.И., Чистякова Н.Е., Шаскольская Т.И., Юхнёва Е.Д.
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