Kukonkov P. I., Morozova N. M. Migration flows in the Volga Federal district: direction, dynamics, consequences. In: Analysis of the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the multi-ethnic regions of the Volga Federal district: collection of articles. [Electronic resource] ...

Kukonkov P. I., Morozova N. M. Migration flows in the Volga Federal district: direction, dynamics, consequences. In: Analysis of the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the multi-ethnic regions of the Volga Federal district: collection of articles. [Electronic resource] / Ed. by A. Yu. Trufanov; FNISC RAS. - M.; N. Novgorod; Ufa: FNISC RAS, 2020. P. 13-24. URL: / / https: www. fnisc. ru/index. php? page_id=1198&id=8454

Глава из книги: Анализ общественно-политической и социально-экономической ситуации в полиэтнических регионах Приволжского федерального округа: сборник статей. [Электронный ресурс] / Отв. ред. А. Ю. Труфанов; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.; Н. Новгород; Уфа: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 85 с. URL: https:www.fnisc.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=8454
ISBN 978-5-89697-337-9
DOI 10.19181/sbornik.978-5-89697-337-9.2020.2

Posted on site: 07.12.20



The role of migration growth as the main factor of population growth in Russia remains and increases. The purpose of the article is to analyze the increasing migration flows, which implies attention not only to the processes of human adaptation in a different environment, but also dictates the view of these problems from the perspective of the host community. Migration processes are particularly acute in multi-ethnic regions of Russia, where the direction and dynamics of migration flows are largely determined by the state of their economy and, above all, the level of monetary income of the population. In the subjects of the Volga Federal district, a significant part of migrants carry out illegal labor activities, criminalizing economic relations and forming the shadow sector of the economy. The large scale of migration processes, combined with the unresolved problems of life support for the host population, have a negative impact on the socio-economic and political situation. This situation is, in fact, a reflection of the interests of big business, for which the presence of migrants serves as a tool to limit and block the claims of the local population and allows you to ignore the urgent need for scientific and technological development and existing forms of resistance of workers. With the help of migrant labor, the ruling class buys itself additional time to live without development, which, in essence, condemns to failure plans to make a breakthrough and get out of the socio-economic crisis.

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