Rybakovskii L.L., Kozhevnikova N.I. Regional differentiation of efficiency of demographic processes. Social and labor research. 2020; 40(3):8-17. DOI: 10.34022 ...

Rybakovskii L.L., Kozhevnikova N.I. Regional differentiation of efficiency of demographic processes. Social and labor research. 2020; 40(3):8-17. DOI: 10.34022/2658-3712-2020-40-3-8-17.
ISSN 2658-3712
DOI 10.34022/2658-3712-2020-40-3-8-17
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43866382

Posted on site: 09.12.20



The object of the study is the natural movement of the population. The aim of the paper is to justify and present an indicator of the efficiency of natural population movements. The authors use statistical analysis methods and primarily comparative methods used to assess changes in the performance of natural population movement. The result of the work is a special indicator, which is the inverse value of the Pokrovsky index, for evaluating the participation of different groups of regions in different periods of demographic development in Russia. The advantage of the indicator, characterizing the ratio of deaths to the number of births, is that it allows comparing the results of natural movements in regions with a different population. This indicator, named by the authors KRED (the coefficient of efficiency of natural movement), allows you to distribute all regions depending on the relative level of depopulation and assess the dynamics (changes over time) of the results of demographic development of a particular area. The past three decades of the demographic development of modern Russia are divided into four periods, for each of which, according to different groups of regions, depending on the proposed indicator, an analysis of their contribution to the demographic development of Russia is carried out, and their contribution to the dynamics of the country's population is calculated. The presented method of assessing the efficiency of natural population movements based on the use of the indicator called KRED can be used by federal and regional authorities in the implementation of an objective assessment of the contribution of different regions to the formation of depopulation and its overcoming in different periods of demographic development of the country.

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