Makeeva S.B. The experience of the Chinese school of spatial analysis in the study of urgent problems of regional development of the PRC in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries. In: Society and state in China. T. L, part 1 ...
Makeeva S.B. The experience of the Chinese school of spatial analysis in the study of urgent problems of regional development of the PRC in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries. In: Society and state in China. T. L, part 1 / Edited by A. I. Kobzev et al. - M .: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020 - P. 750-758. (Scientific notes of the Department of China, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Issue 34 / Editorial board: A.I. Kobzev and others).
ISSN 2227-3816
DOI 10.31696/2227-3816-2020-50-1-750-758
РИНЦ: нет
Posted on site: 11.12.20
The article defines the role of the Chinese scientific school of spatial analysis in the process of regional transformation of the PRC. The main directions of the scientific and practical activities of Chinese scientists and specialists in the field of spatial econometrics are examined, the urgent problems of the regional development of China are highlighted, the study of which is carried out using the methodological base of modern spatial econometrics.