Chirikova A., Ledyaev V., Ryabova O. Monogoroda srednego Urala: vlast’, liderstvo, effektivnost’ [Monotowns of the middle urals: power, leadership, efficiency]. Vlast’i elity [Power and Elites], 2020, 7 (1): 123–162. (In Russian)

Chirikova A., Ledyaev V., Ryabova O. Monogoroda srednego Urala: vlast’, liderstvo, effektivnost’ [Monotowns of the middle urals: power, leadership, efficiency]. Vlast’i elity [Power and Elites], 2020, 7 (1): 123–162. (In Russian)
ISSN 2410-9517
DOI 10.31119/pe.2020.7.1.5

Posted on site: 17.12.20

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте Социологического института РАН - филиала ФНИСЦ РАН URL: (дата обращения 17.12.2020)


The article presents the outcomes of empirical research conducted in 3 small Russian towns in the Perm, Ivanovo and Tambov regions in 2011–2015 and 2019–2020. The basic material was obtained in the course of 57 in-depth face-to-face interviews with the local political and economic leaders, regional officials and experts. The aim of the study was to explain the nature of the interaction between town-forming enterprises and municipal authorities, characterize the leaders of local communities and assess the effectiveness of local government. The study shows different patterns of interaction between local authorities and the town-forming enterprises. In two towns (Y and L) the role of town-forming enterprises in local politics decreased, in one (G) it increased. In Y the decline in the role of a town-forming enterprise was due to a decrease in the economic potential of the plant and the refusal of the enterprise owners to actively participate in urban politics. After merging the town and district structures of municipal authority, serious tensions that had taken place in the local elites disappeared. As a result, a new power structure was formed in the local community. Earlier in the urban political space there were three approximately equal centers of power represented by the leaderships of the town, district and town-forming enterprise. Now there is no serious political competition in the local community; a relatively homogeneous local elite has formed, the core of which constitutes a single team. In many ways, a similar situation has developed in L. The decrease in the participation of the town-forming enterprises (there are two town-forming enterprises in L) is negatively perceived by the local government officials. As a result of the withdrawal of enterprises from the urban political field, there is currently no serious political competition in the town and a relatively homogeneous local elite was formed. The head of the town is the leader of the urban community, his leadership qualities are highly appreciated by the local elite, and the local government is quite effective. In G in the last decade cooperation of the town-forming enterprise and the local authorities has significantly increased. The company’s involvement in the town’s affairs, resource assistance and stable relationships with the local and regional administrations have contributed to the sustainable development of the town. Now the town is one of the three most successful small towns in Perm region. Our respondents assessed the effectiveness of local government as quite high. The head of the town is the leader of the local community, who has managed to form a highly motivated team and establish partnerships with all influential figures in the local political space.

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