V. Bobkov, P. Herrmann, N. Loktyukhina, I. Novikova, O. Veredyuk, V. Sheen, N. H. Hirschler, J. Csoba, M. Okyayuz, R. Griffin, T. Boland, A. Tuite, A. Hennessy, V. Kvachev. Digitisation and Precarisation: Redefining Work and Redefining Society ... V. Bobkov, P. Herrmann, N. Loktyukhina, I. Novikova, O. Veredyuk, V. Sheen, N. H. Hirschler, J. Csoba, M. Okyayuz, R. Griffin, T. Boland, A. Tuite, A. Hennessy, V. Kvachev. Digitisation and Precarisation: Redefining Work and Redefining Society / V. Bobkov, P. Herrmann (Eds.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2020. 216 p.ISBN 978-3-658-26383-6DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-26384-3Posted on site: 28.12.20 AbstractCurrently it is fashionable to talk about digitisation, robotisation, industry 4.0, but also about the gig economy, the Millenials, precarisation and the like. However, the relevant issues are too often taken in isolation, referring to an extrapolation of overcome structures. The present collection aims on moving further by qualifying some aspects, and also by approaching the topic from distinct perspectives in order to arrive at an assessment of emerging changes of the socio-economic formation. Àâòîðû:, Õåððìàíí Ï., Ëîêòþõèíà Í., Íîâèêîâà È., Âåðåäþê Î., Øèí Â., Õèðøëåð Í., ×îáà Äæ., Îêÿþç Ì., Ãðèôôèí Ð., Áîëàíä Ò., Òóéòå À., Õåííåññè À., Êâà÷åâ Â.Ðåäàêòîðû: , Õåððìàíí Ï.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Contents Foreword .................................................... 1 Peter Herrmann and Vyacheslav Bobkov Economy of Difference and Social Differentiation ................... 25 Peter Herrmann Society Under Threat of Precarity of Employment .................. 51 Vyacheslav Bobkov Precarious Employment: Definition of the Concept Given by Russian Researchers ................................... 73 Natalia Loktyukhina Digitisation: A New Form of Precarity or New Opportunities?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Irina Viktorovna Novikova Labour Market Performance and Digitisation of Work in Russia: Brief Overview ............................... 105 Olesya Veredyuk Australia’s Precarious Workforce and the Role of Digitisation ................................................ 117 Veronica Sheen The Czech Republic—a Case Study .............................. 131 Nicole Horáková Hirschler “Predictable Uncertainty”—Social Land Programme in Hungary ................................................... 147 Judit Csoba Affirmative and Alternative Discourses and Practices of Knowledge Production and Distribution in Turkey ............... 165 Mehmet Okyayuz Electric Dreams of Welfare in the 4th Industrial Revolution: An Actor-network Investigation and Genealogy of an Algorithm ..................................... 181 Ray Griffin, Tom Boland, Aisling Tuite and Aoife Hennessy Bringing Precarity to the Political Agenda ......................... 205 Vadim KvachevÃëàâû èç ýòîé êíèãè:. Bobokov V. Society Under Threat of Precarity of Employment. In: Digitisation and Precarisation: Redefining Work and Redefining Society / V. Bobkov, P. Herrmann (Eds.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2020. P. 51-72. (C. 51-72)