Theory and methodology of politics (cognitive accents of modernity): textbook

Theory and methodology of politics (cognitive accents of modernity): textbook / M. M. Mchedlova. - Moscow: RUDN, 2020. - 143 p.
ISBN 978-5-209-10401-8
DOI нет

Posted on site: 29.12.20



The manual is devoted to highlighting modern methodological schemes and analyzing the effectiveness on cognitive tools for policy research. Emphasis is placed on the key problems of modern ontology and epistemology through the prism of changing the methodological and interpretative framework of political science. A special place is given to the coverage of the socio-vultural profile of the theoretical interpretation of politics, which records the shift in cognitive emphasis and the exhaustion of the reuristic potential of traditional institutional theories of politics. It es recommended for students of masters and postgraduate programs, as well as anyone interested in this issue.

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