Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sorokin P. A. Art works. Poems and prose 1907-1923

Sorokin P. A. Art works. Poems and prose 1907-1923 / Compilation, preparation of the text, introductory article and comments by V. V. Sapov and M.V/ Lomonosova. - M.; St. Petersburg; Syktyvkar: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2021-512 p. (Second edition)
ISBN 978-5-98712-230-3
DOI нет

Posted on site: 11.01.21



The next volume of the collected works of the world-famous sociologist P. A. Sorokin (1889-1968) includes works written in the genre of fiction. The first section contains articles, essays and feuilletons of 1907-1923, reflecting the stages of his formation as a man and a scientist, some of which are autobiographical in nature; the second – a science fiction novel Laundry of human souls (for the first time in full). The third section consists of poems by P. A. Sorokin, written mainly in the spirit of Russian symbolism of the early twentieth century. The fourth – additional – section contains the works of the scientist created during the American period of his life

Content (in russ)