Rural population of the Russian Far East in the second decade XXI century: the impact of migration and municipal-territorial transformations. In: International Demographic Forum: proceedings of the meeting ...

Rural population of the Russian Far East in the second decade XXI century: the impact of migration and municipal-territorial transformations. In: International Demographic Forum: proceedings of the meeting / ed. Doctor of Geographical Sciences, prof. N.V. Yakovenko.- Voronezh: Digital Printing, 2020. P. 430-434.
ISBN 978-5-907283-37-4
DOI нет

Posted on site: 12.01.21



The paper shows the dynamics of the rural population in the Far Eastern Federal District for the period from 2008 to 2019. Most research on migration in the district does not focus on rural areas. The purpose of the article is to analyze the general and regional dynamics of migration processes in rural areas of the Far Eastern Federal District, assess the role of migration and municipal-territorial transformations in changing the size of the rural population of the district. The work is based on the analysis of statistical data. It is shown that migration plays a decisive role in the formation of the rural population in the Far Eastern Federal District.

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