Kolesnikova Yu.S., Bujenakh S. Research on illegal migration of North African countries. Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology, 2020, No. 4. pp. 29-32.

Kolesnikova Yu.S., Bujenakh S. Research on illegal migration of North African countries. Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology, 2020, No. 4. pp. 29-32.
ISSN 1998-5533

Posted on site: 13.01.21



Operational data on migration flows are essential for the development of migration policies, and a detailed understanding of migration realities is particularly important in North African countries, where migration movements are the result of a combination of different and complex factors. Analysis of illegal international migration is necessary in the context of understanding the scale of changes and the direction of trends. The article presents systematic information on illegal migration based on data from international organizations and national statistical centers, non-governmental agencies and scientific research.

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