Bobkov V.N., Chernykh E.A., Odintsova E.V., Gulyugina A.A. National Priority “Improving the Quality of Life of Russian Citizens” in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. Labour and Social Relations. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 6. P. 59-79.
Bobkov V.N., Chernykh E.A., Odintsova E.V., Gulyugina A.A. National Priority “Improving the Quality of Life of Russian Citizens” in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. Labour and Social Relations. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 6. P. 59-79.
ISSN 2073-7815
DOI 10.20410/207378152020-31-6-59-79
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44401953
Posted on site: 13.01.21
This article is devoted to the consideration of the implementation of the national priority «Improving the Quality of Life of Russian Citizens» in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze the level and dynamics of employment, real disposable cash income of the population, poverty and inequality in the property status, as well as the effectiveness of social support for low income families with children. To assess the state of the national security, the authors propose a number of new indicators characterizing these areas of quality of life. The authors reveal and substantiate the values of indicators included in the risk zone for the national security of the country. The authors show that such indicators are a wide scale of unstable (precarious) employment, the level of purchasing power of the population, high level of property inequalities manifested in the concentration of property (income, housing, and other property assets (wealth)) in the high income strata of Russian citizens. The authors propose a solution to overcome absolute monetary poverty in low income families with children, namely to fix by law a minimum per capita income for such families not lower than a guaranteed per capita income in the amount of a regional subsistence minimum differentiated by types of families. The authors pay attention to the deterioration in the level and dynamics of the analyzed indicators of the quality of life of Russian citizens caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, and provide a short term predictive assessment of their condition. The results of the study conducted are aimed at attracting the attention of state authorities and the public to the implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation and the introduction of a number of new indicators to assess the quality of life of the population in the face of new challenges and threats.