Smidovich G.S. Possibility of localization and individual approach to the integration of migrants in the Russian Federation. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2020. No. 6. Р. 24-31.
Smidovich G.S. Possibility of localization and individual approach to the integration of migrants in the Russian Federation. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2020. No. 6. Р. 24-31.
ISSN 2076-4685
DOI 10.26653/2076-4685-2020-6-02
Posted on site: 16.01.21
The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide a full-fledged division of powers between different management levels, without clearly delineating the limits of competence in the field of population migration.There is practically no regulation of the migration sphere at the municipal level, especially with regard to the integration of migrants. At the municipal level all types of democracy state and local self-government intersect and interstate migrants are incorporated into the Russian social, economic, and cultural environment. At the same time, during the administrative reforms of local self-government in 2000-2010, the municipal level was actually drained of blood due to consolidation in order to optimize the budget. This narrows and calls into question the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the integration of migrants on the basis of individual contracts between the head of the municipality and a specific migrant in the modern conditions of the Russian Federation. The need for localization and an individual approach to integration at the municipal level at the present stage of development of the Russian Federation can be traced from the experience of foreign countries where there is a decentralization of power, and municipalities, through their associations, even take on those functions that their States, for one reason or another, including socio-political conditions, have ceased to pay due attention. For example in China the success of economic reform and overcoming the current global crisis was based on the gradual definition of the boundaries of the need for state intervention in the economy. Changing the nature of power relations and the vector of regulation of processes, i.e. delegating competencies, legislative initiative and budgetary powers in various areas to the local level, is the only way to implement an individual approach to the integration of migrants, including the mechanism of integration contracts.