Kostolomova M.V. Digital risk phenomenon: its conceptualization and impact on modern social reality. Alma Mater (Vestnik vysshej shkoly), 2021, No. 3, pp. 22-27.

Kostolomova M.V. Digital risk phenomenon: its conceptualization and impact on modern social reality. Alma Mater (Vestnik vysshej shkoly), 2021, No. 3, pp. 22-27.
ISSN 1026-955X
DOI 10.20339/AM.03-21.022
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44888730

Posted on site: 24.03.21



This article is devoted to digital risks as a phenomenon of modern society that has a transformational impact on all spheres of human life. Methodologically based on the postulates of riskology, the author notes the fact that each branch of knowledge actually forms its own theoretical context. The article proposes the concept of studying risks from a sociological position, which to a greater extent allows you to concentrate on a person who becomes one of the determining factors in the aspect of determining the essence of risks and overcoming them. The author draws attention to the fact that, although the risks are inherently inherent in social reality, the risks of digitalization are formed spontaneously and have a number of specific features. The article provides the author's definition of digital risks, as well as the question of how to anticipate or adapt to them. The study further provides a categorization of digitalization risks according to the corresponding level of manifestation in social reality - at the micro and macro levels. As the main risks that can lead to the most profound transformations of society, the author singles out the risk of intensifying the process of dehumanization, as well as the risk of developing digital deviant behavior. A detailed analysis of these risks, presented in the article, made it possible to conclude that the specificity of digital risks lies not only in different levels of manifestation, but also in algorithms of preventive measures. In the final part of the work, the author's conclusions are presented for the subsequent development of practical recommendations.

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