Rakhmonov A.Кh. Gender aspects of labor migration from Tajikistan to the United States: trends and prospects for development. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Business Communications. Collection of scientific articles. Under the general editorship of M. E. Vilchinskaya-Butenko. Saint Petersburg, 2021 Publishing House: Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (Saint-Petersburg). P. 55-59

Rakhmonov A.Кh. Gender aspects of labor migration from Tajikistan to the United States: trends and prospects for development. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Business Communications. Collection of scientific articles. Under the general editorship of M. E. Vilchinskaya-Butenko. Saint Petersburg, 2021 Publishing House: Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (Saint-Petersburg). P. 55-59
ISBN 978-5-7937-1945-2
DOI нет
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45587208&pff=1

Posted on site: 24.05.21



The process of labor migration in Tajikistan is analyzed. It is noted that the Russian Federation is the main channel of emigration, followed by other Central Asian countries, the United States, Canada, Germany, Poland, the People's Republic of China, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Highly educated citizens of Tajikistan mostly leave for the United States. It is noted that in recent decades, the migration flow of young people from Tajikistan to the developed countries that are part of the group of countries for Economic cooperation and development (OECD) has increased significantly.

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