Talanov S.L. , Davydov А.V., Berezin D.T. , Khramkov N.A. , Kushnarev F.Yu. Prevention measures against extremism in students midst. Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). 2021. No. 3. Pp. 32-41. doi.org ...

Talanov S.L. , Davydov А.V., Berezin D.T. , Khramkov N.A. , Kushnarev F.Yu. Prevention measures against extremism in students midst. Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). 2021. No. 3. Pp. 32-41. doi.org/10.20339/AM.03-21.032
ISSN 1026-955X
DOI 10.20339/AM.03-21.032
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44888732

Posted on site: 07.07.21



In the social research which presents in this article we issue effectiveness of extremism prevention in Yaroslavl VUZ's. It was fixed that the most part of the students (without difference in gender and age) have superficial ideas about extremism and it make it difficult to fight extremism among young people. The research fixed that the basic knowledges, skills and practices for extremism and terrorism opposition students get during the study law, sociology of deviation, politology, conflict sociology and philosophy. It was fixed that interactive methods, forms and devices of study make a tolerance, blame and active civic position. It was demonstrated that the students who have a high-educated parents are more  oriented to civic and patriotic values than the students who have not high-educated parents or have only one of this. Above all, test shows that the education  level effect on the emotional problems of everyday communication too. If a student have high-education parents, emotional acts not  damage everyday contact with other people.  It was fixed that adult students have more open  lections of any confessions and law enforcements than the young ones. The authors suggest some actions for the extremism prevence effectiveness growth in VUZs of the country.

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