Vartanova M.L. Economic shocks as a result of acute food insecurity. In: Regional problems of sustainable rural development. collection of articles of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Penza: RIO PGAU, 2021. P. 28-33.

Vartanova M.L. Economic shocks as a result of acute food insecurity. In: Regional problems of sustainable rural development. collection of articles of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Penza: RIO PGAU, 2021. P. 28-33.
ISBN 978-5-6045206-8-0
DOI нет

Posted on site: 19.07.21

Текст сборника на сайте конференции URL:Сборник_MK-18-21.pdf (дата обращения 19.07.2021)


Currently, the growth in the number of hungry countries has led to both protracted conflicts, as well as economic shocks, and in many cases problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, have displaced weather events and thus occupied a leading place in the list of the main factors of acute food insecurity. Ensuring access to healthy food is an indispensable condition for solving the problem of eliminating all forms of malnutrition. This article discusses a number of issues related to the quality of nutrition, including problems in the field of assessment and monitoring of food consumption and nutrition quality at the global level. It is noted that it is necessary to achieve the indicators of the Doctrine on the economic accessibility of food by introducing targeted support for the least well-off population. Currently, the growth in the number of hungry countries has led to bothprotracted conflicts, as well as economic shocks, and in many cases problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, have displaced weather events and thus occupied a leading place in the list of the main factors of acute food insecurity. Ensuring access to healthy food is an indispensable condition for solving the problem of eliminating all forms of malnutrition. This article discusses a number of issues related to the quality of nutrition, including problems in the field of assessment and monitoring of food consumption and nutrition quality at the global level. It is noted that it is necessary to achieve the indicators of the Doctrine on the economic accessibility of food by introducing targeted support for the least well-off population.

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