15th ESA Conference «Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures» (Barcelona online)

Barcelona (Online), August 31 - September 3, 2021

Participants from FCTAS RAS

Deviatko I.F. Session Chair. Session Time in Your Local Time Zone: Friday, 03/Sept/2021

Tartakovskaya I.N. Member of the organizing committee, program committee: SP05: Covid-19, European Solidarity and the Future of Europe; EV04: Solidarity in Poland and Anti-Authoritarianism in Belarus: What can a 21st Century Social Movement for Democratization Learn from a 20th Century one?

Basheva O.A., Nevskiy A.V. Civic Organizations’ Impact on the Transformation of Search and Rescue Field in Russia

Maslovskiy M.V. Civilizational Imaginaries and Interpretations of Modernity in Contemporary Russia

Ermolaeva P.O.Basheva O.A. Digital Practices of Russian Emergency Volunteers

Deviatko I.F. Does Undirected Learning Affect the Accuracy of Ordinary Forecasts: An Experiment in Social Metacognition (with I.Andreev)

Deviatko I.F. Perceived Justice Of Cost Distribution During An Epidemic (with R.Kalinin)

Baimurzina G.R. Social Capital As An Internal Resource Of Human Development

Baimurzina G.R. Social Well-Being Of The Self-Employed In Russia (On The Example Of The Republic Of Bashkortostan)

Patrushev S.V., Nedyak I.L. Structures Of Power and Domination, Citizens, And Institutions In Russia

Shilova V.A. The Living Environment of Rural Settlements in the Process of Interaction with Large Cities, on the Example of a Study of the Rural Population of Russia 1994-2019

Deviatko I.F. The Multimodal Assessment Of Respondent's Cognitive Load: A Methodological Experiment Comparing CASI And P&PSI Modes (with M.Bogdanov and D.Lebedev)

Katerny I.V. Theorizing Status Liminality in the Context of the Posthuman Condition

Tartakovskaya I.N. Trust in the Face of a Pandemic

Maslovskaya E.V. Types of Professional Behavior and Social Practices of Legal Interpreters in Contemporary Russia

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