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Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences. 2023. No. 7. Pp. 51-55. 453. Barash R.E. Towards a systemic and communicative understanding of historical memory. In: Antonovsky A.Yu., Barash R.E. Introduction to system-communicative philosophy of science. – Moscow: Publishing house Logos/Gnosis, LLC NPT, 2023. P. 129-146. 454. Andreev A.L. On the Modern Russian Mentality: the Connection Between the Present and the Future. Herald of Anthropology. 2023. No. 4. P. 7-19. 455. How are you, Russia? Express information. 53rd stage of the sociological monitoring, June 2023 / V. K. Levashov, N. M. Velikaya, I. S. Shushpanova [et al.]. – M. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. – 91 p. 456. Nazarova I.B., Lyalikova S.V. How the population is changing and what is human potential. Review of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Social Dynamics of the Population and Human Potential”. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. No. 20. Pp. 123-131. 457. Kolesnik N.V. What are the Possibilities of Sociology in the Face of (not)New Challenges? Review of the Conference: “Russian Scientific Seminar «(Not)New Challenges and Opportunities of Sociology»”. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. N. 20. P. 117-122. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-20.t6vc-8d17 458. Malinov, A. (2023) The World Picture of Altai Ethnosophy. International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (50). 33–55. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_1_33 DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_1_33 459. Pinchuk A.N., Tikhomirov D.A., Karepova S.G., Litovko M.A. (2023) Karyernye strategii rabotnikov sfery intellektualnykh delovykh uslug (na primere moskovskikh kompaniy) [Career strategies of employees in the field of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (on the example of Moscow companies)]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 26(2): 110–134 (in Russian). 460. Levchenko N.V. Cinematography in the regions of the Russian Federation: Soviet film studios and current state. Sociology. 2023. No. 5. Pp. 183-194. 461. Lukyanets A.S., Manshin R.V., Moiseeva E.M. ASEAN Climate and Environmental Agenda: Growing Risks and Promising Responses. In: ASEAN on the Way of Integration: Achievements, Challenges, Dilemmas: Monograph / ed. V.M. Mazyrina, E.V. Koldunova. Moscow: Aspect Press Publishing House, 2023. P. 415–453. ISBN 978-5-7567-1258-2. DOI 10.24833/978-5-7567-1258-2_book. EDN ONKCAN. 462. Denikin A.V., Denikina Z.D., Yudina T.N. Key Problems of State Support of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Directions of their Solution. Socio-political sciences. 2023. Vol. 13. No. 3. pp. 70-75. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2023-13-3-70-75 463. Pain E.A. Swinging Pendulum: A Model or Metaphor for Change in Policy on Nationalities in Multicomposite States? The Case of USSR and Post-Soviet Russia. Obschestvennye nauki i ovremennost’, 2023, no. 1, pp. 34–52. 464. Kolesnikova K.G., Mamonova O.N. Communication in the competence system of a Russian mentor. «P.O.I.S.K.» (Policy. Social Science. Art. Sociology. Culture.). 2023. – Edition 3(98). Pp. 57-65. 465. Shapor M.A., Shakhov O.F. Comprehensive assessment of the development prospects of Russian regions (using the example of the Altai Territory). International Economics. 2023. No. 12. Pp. 898-913. 466. Sultanov G.S., Dokholyan S.V. An integrated approach to assessing the socio-economic security of the region. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2023. No. 12 (158). Pp. 280-289. 467. Gorshkov M.K., Tyurina I.O. Consolidation of the Russian society under contemporary challenges: Social-historical and value contexts. RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 4. P. 720-739. 468. Galkin KA, Parfenova OA. Building [dis]trust in COVID discourses. Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(4):301–311. DOI: 469. Pain E. (2023) Constructivism and Primordialism: Complementary Methodologies in Ethnology and Sociology. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost, no. 4, pp. 53–67. DOI: 10.31857/S0869049923040032, EDN: OZEKTD. 470. Grigoryeva I., Parfenova O., Galkin K. (2023) Konferentsiya «Prodlennaya vzroslos’ / otlozhennoye stareniye vo vremena postkovida i neopredelennosti» [Conference “Extended adulthood / delayed ageing in a time of post-COVID and uncertainty”]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 26(1): 258–262 (in Russian). EDN: MZWTKJ 471. Tykanova E., Khokhlova A. (2023) Konfiguratsii poley obshchestvennykh dvizheniy: konstruirovaniye «malykh» i masshtabnykh rezul’tatov deyatel’nosti [Alignments in Social Movement Fields: The Construction of Small and LargeScaled Performance Outcomes]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 26(2): 175–196 (in Russian). EDN: xNSECE 472. Galkin K.A. The concept of health culture: conceptualization of the concept and prospects of sociological and anthropological understanding. Scientific notes of the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2023. Vol. 9. No. 3. Pp. 13-26. 473. Seleznev I.A. The concept of the fair world order in the latest Russian foreign policy documents: sociological analysis. Humanities, social-economic and social science. 2023. No. 9. Pp. 70-76. DOI 10.23672/SAE.2023.9.9.037. 474. Koshelev D., Kutuzova A. (2023). The Concept of “USSR” in the Space of Regional Historical Memory (on the Example of the Komi Republic). ISTORIYA. Vol. 14, no. 4 (126) DOI: 10.18254/S207987840021491-9 475. Malinkin A.N. The Concept of Ideology in the “Alien” Works by M.M. Bakhtin. Herald of Culturology. 2023. ¹ 1(104). P. 45–68. DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2023.01.03 476. Chirikova A. Korporacija i municipal’’naja vlast’’: kak dostigaetsja partnerskaja model’’ vzaimodejstvija [Corporation and municipal authorities: how a partnership model of interaction is achieved]. Vlast’ i elity [Power and Elites], 2023, 10 (1): 190–230. (In Russian) 477. Safronov V.V. Korruptsiya i klassovyye neravenstva elektoral’nogo uchastiya v yevropeyskikh stranakh [Corruption and class inequalities in electoral participation in European countries]. Vlast’ i elity [Power and Elites], 2023, 10 (1): 5–42. (In Russian) 478. Corruption as a form of social injustice : a monograph / I.A. Savchenko, S.V. Ustinkin, A.I. Samsonov. — Moscow : INFRA-M, 2023. — 121 p. — (Scientific thought). - ISBN 978-5-16-111560-2. - Text : electronic. - URL: 479. Martynenko V.V. Creditology of the state and social epistemiology. In: Reports of candidates for the membership of the Russian Academy of Sciences, running for the section of philosophy, political science, sociology, psychology and law in 2022 / Russian Academy of Sciences; Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Scientific Advisory Council on legal, psychological and socio-economic problems of society; [under the general editorship of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Guseinov A.A., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tosunyan G.A.]. - Moscow: New Printed Technologies, 2023. P.181-192. 480. Rogozin D.M. Peasant son Anton Bolshakov (1887–1941): A scientific obituary of the executed historian, sociologist and local historian. The Russian Peasant Studies. 2023. Vol. 8. No. 3. Pp. 27-45. 481. Voronkova O.A. The Crisis of Political Discourse in Network Reality. In: Transformation of political relations in a networked society: [[monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Brega, O. A. Voronkova [et al.];ed. by O. M. Mikhaylenok ; SIC RAS. – M. : FNISTC RAS, 2023. P. 68-89. 482. Toshchenko Zh.T. Who is the face of russian society? (on the reserves of social management). Materials of the Afanasyev Readings. 2023. No. S2 (44). Pp. 44-53. 483. Galkin K.A. Health Culture: Conceptualization and Prospects of Understanding in Medical Sociology and Anthropology. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia: Politicheskie, sotsiologicheskie i ekonomicheskie nauki, 2023, 8(3): 277–283. (In Russ.) 484. Vishnevsky Yu.R., Dulina N.V., Zasypkin V.P., Pronina E.I., Shirokalova G.S. Cultural Heritage: from «Grandfathers» to «Fathers» and «Grandsons». Surgut State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2023;(2 (83)):18-28. (In Russ.) 485. Bormotova T.M., Yudina T.N., Ezdakova E.A. Cultural and religious traditions of Jewish settlements of the Volgograd region. The mission of the confessions. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 1 (66). Pp. 82-90 486. Nenko A., Nedoseka E., Smirnova A. Cultural ecosystem services of green spaces: what user comments can tell. PNRPU Bulletin. Applied ecology. Urban development, 2023, no. 3, pp. 5-27. DOI: 10.15593/2409-5125/2023.03.01 487. Zorina, A. E. (2023) Lichnostnye resursy kak faktor uspekha zhenskogo predprinimatel’stva [Personal resources as a success factor of women’s entrepreneurship], Zhenshchina v rossiĭskom obshchestve, no. 1, pp. 79—91. DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2023.1.6. EDN: PALAWO Next → 1   ... 4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   238