Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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451. Kashepov A.V. The Labor Market and Employment in Russia in 2020-2024. Social and labor research. 2024;57(4):43-52.

452. S.L. Frank on the Spiritual and Moral Prerequisites of Marxism and the True Origins of the Russian Revolution. Bulletin of Cultural Studies. 2024. No. 1 (108). P. 94–111.

453. Malinkin A.N. S.L. Frank: On the History of the Russian Social-Philosophical Tradition. In: Sounding Meanings: A Symphony of Ideas and Interpretations. Cultural Almanac. Ed. and compiled by S. Ya. Levit. Moscow and St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2024. P. 492-514.

454. Kozachok, D.P., Kornilova, M.V. and Kamenskih, V.N. (2024), “Self-Organization of Senior as a System-Forming Factor of Active Longevity”, DISCOURSE, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 40–60. DOI: 10.32603/2412-8562-2024-10-6-40-60 (Russia).

455. Ustinkin S.V., Samsonov A.I., Rudakova E.K. Students' self-assessment of their financial situation as a factor of political socialization and attitude to power (the case of Nizhny Novgorod). Perm University Herald. Political Science. 2024. Vol. 18. No. 2. Pp. 73-87.

456. Zemlyanova E.V. Self-protecting behaviour of the elderly Russians regarding commitment to periodical medical examinations. Social'nye aspekty zdorov'a naselenia [serial online] 2024; 70(5):10. Available from:,ru/. DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2024-70-5-10 (In Rus).

457. Nazarova, I.B. (2024). Self-preservation practices of the population. Management Issues, 18(4), 41–53.

458. Mareeva S.V., Slobodenyuk E.D. The Super-Rich in Russia: Dynamics and Demographics. Universe of Russia. 2024. Vol. 33. No. 1. P. 29-55.

459. Bederson V.D., Minaeva E.Yu. Svoi lyudi — sochtemsya: usloviya tsentralizatsii munitsipal'nykh polnomochiy v gradostroitel'noy sfere [Centralization of Municipal Powers in Urban Development]. The Russian Sociological Review. 2024. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 67–89. (in Russian)

460. Mikhailenok O.M., Brega A.V., Malysheva G.A., Nazarenko A.V., Nikovskaya L.I., Voronkova O.A., Shchenina O.G., Lyublinsky V.V., Shimanskaya E.S., Makushina L.I., Mitrofanova A.V. The connection of the ontology of network theory with the study of socio-political relations. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 137-151.

461. Osadchaya, G. I., Volkova, O. A., Yudina, T. N., Roslavtseva, M. V. (2024) Semeĭnye tsennosti i rolevye ustanovki migrantok iz Tsentral’noĭ Azii [Family values and roles of migrant women from Central Asia], Zhenshchina v rossiĭskom obshchestve, no. 4, pp. 84—100.

462. Valiakhmetov, R.M., Turakayev, M.S. (2024), “The influence of family status and ethnicity on of the population (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (4), 111-129. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-6

463. Zimovina, E.P., & Khramova, M.N. (2024). Family and children in the system of the student’s values. Management Issues, 18(3), 24–37.

464. Medvedeva E.I., Krokhilin S.V., Avacheva T.G. The family as a determinant system for achieving human success (according to the Taganrog project). Public space. 2024. Vol. 10. No. 3:6. DOI 10.15838/sa.2024.3.43.6. Approx. HJXMKJ.

465. Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilun S.V. Family as a success factor in the assessment model of satisfaction with the quality of life. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 5 (163). Pp. 176-185. DOI 10.26726/1812-7096-2024-5-176-185. EDN JUSIBI.

466. Davydov A.P. The “Middle” as a Method: In Search for the Socio-Individual. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2024;67(4):114-135. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2024-67-4-114-135

467. Voronkova, O.A. Network reconstruction of social mentality. Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences. 2024. Vol. 19. No. 1. Pp. 14-31. (In Russ.)

468. Mikhailynok O.M., Voronkova O.A. Network discourse and power relations. Power. 2024. T. 32. No 5. Pp. 136-142. DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-5-136-142. EDN VUKXCK.

469. Nazarenko A.V. Network approach to conflict research: knowledge, doing, loneliness. In: Socio-political conflicts: theoretical concepts and settlement practices: [monograph] / L. I. Nikovskaya, O. M. Mikhailenok, L. N. Timofeeva [et al.]; ed. L. I. Nikovskaya, O. M. Mikhailenok; foreword by O. M. Mikhailenok; FCTAS RAS. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2024. P. 301-324.

470. Mikhaylenok O.M., Malysheva G.A. Online network communications and socio-cultural Trends in contemporary Russia: dynamics in the context of the SMO. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2024. No. 10. Pp. 163-169.

471. Gravin А.А. Symbolist Conceptualization of Myth: Vyach I. Ivanov, A. F. Losev, L. A. Gogotishvili. Solovyov studies. 2024. No. 3 (83). Рp. 99-112. DOI 10.17588/2076-9210.2024.3.099-112.

472. Semenov E. V. Sistema upravleniya naukoi v postsovetskoi Rossii i vyzovy Noveishego vremeni [Science management system in post-Soviet Russia and the challenges of Contemporary times]. In: Nauka i obshchestvo v XX–XXI vekakh [Science and society in the 20th–21st centuries] : in 2 parts / comp. and ed. by M. D. Bukharin. Moscow : Nauka, 2024. Part 1. P. 630–658. (In Russ.).

473. Latov Y.V. The situation in Russian society and regions of the country in the assessments and judgments of Russians. In: Russian Society and the Challenges of the Time. Book seven / FCTAS RAS, Institute of Sociology. Ed. by M.K. Gorshkov and N.E. Tikhonova. Moscow: Ves Mir Publishing House, 2024. P. 10-43.

474. S.V. Kroshilin, E.I. Medvedeva, T.G. Avacheva, O.V. Medvedeva, "Hidden" development opportunities for medical organizations: how to evaluate and measure intellectual potential. Modern problems of healthcare and medical statistics. 2024. No. 5. URL:

475. Simonova V., Sergeev A., Kotkin K. The Trail of Leviathan: Lakeside Arctic Fisheries and Socio-Economic Innovations in Teriberka Village, Murmansk Region. Etnografia. 2024. 4 (26): 240–263. (In Russian). DOI: 10.31250/2618-8600-2024-4(26)-240-263

476. Levashov V.K. A Word about the Anniversary. Sociology of Life Zh.T. Toshchenko in the Senses, Cases and Publications. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024. Vol. 20, №4. Pp. 657–660.

477. Chernysheva N.V., Azhigulova A.I. Mortality of the population of Soviet Russia in the 1920-1930s: main research problems, factors and trends. Historical Courier. 2024. No. 3 (35). Pp. 41-53.

478. Podlesnaia M.A. Death and tradition. Review of the Russian Christian academy for the humanities. 2024. Vol. 25. No 3. Pp. 194-213. DOI 10.25991/VRHGA.2024.4.4.015

479. Osipov G.V., Pinchuk A.N., Karepova S.G., Tikhomirov D.A. Semantic foundations of education: features of youth perception. In: Russian society and the State: the foundations of sustainability and trends of change. The social and socio-political situation: [monograph] / N.V. Berezina, N.M. Velikaya, O.V. Grebnyak [et al.]; ed.-in-chief K.V. Levashov; FCTAS RAS.— M.: FCTAS RAS, 2024. — P. 273-283.

480. Barash R.E. Events and lessons of history in the context of the national past, present and future of Russia. In: "Arrow of Time" in the mass consciousness of Russians: assessments of the past, judgments about the present, ideas about the future / FNISC RAS, Institute of Sociology. Edited by M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Publishing House "The Whole World", 2024. P. 46-82.

481. Mishchuk S.N., Lin Ziyu (2024). Current demographic situation in China’s northeastern provinces. Problems of Territory’s Development, 28 (6), 123–140. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2024.6.134.9

482. Poltavskaya M.B., Vasiliev E.S., Gulyaev S.B. Modern Russian family: needs and institutional support resources (case of Volgograd region). Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2024; 17(4): 77–92. (In Russ.).

483. Larina E.V. Current state of the problem of surrogate alcohol use in Russia. Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Series: Social Sciences. 2024. No. 2 (74). Pp. 134–140.

484. Larina E.V. Modern aspects of the problem of substance abuse in Russia. PNRPU Sociology and Economics Bulletin. 2024. No. 2. Pp. 106-121 (In Russ).

485. Gnevasheva V.A. Modern aspects of targeted personnel training. Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 24-36.

486. Kokoshin A.A., Kokoshina Z.A. Modern geopolitical transformations: Russian interests and Russian society. Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024. No. 2. Pp. 7-25.

487. Rakhmonov A.Kh., Akramov Sh.Yu. Current trends of foreign investment in agriculture of Tajikistan. Labor and social relations. 2024. Volume 35. No. 1. P. 101-115. DOI: 10.20410/2073-7815-2023-35-1-101-115

488. Atanasova, A.A. (2024). Modern Technologies in the Activities of Russian NGOs: Main Tools and Implementation Typologies. Society and Security Insights. 7(3),172-185. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-10.

489. Atanasova, A.A. (2024) Current trends in research in digital innovations in the civil sphere. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filosofiya. Sotsiologiya. Politologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science. 79. pp. 199–206. (In Russian). doi: 10.17223/1998863Х/79/18

490. Makeeva S.B. Modern experience of China in implementing regional demographic policy in the territory of the northeastern province of Jilin. Development of territories. 2024. No. 3 (37). Pp. 51-59.

491. Makeeva S.B. Modern experience of implementing regional demographic policy in the Chinese province of Liaoning. Regionalistics. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 3. P. 64-79.

492.  Pitirim Sorokin. Nikolai Danilevsky (translation Sapov V.V.). In: Creative heritage of N.Y. Danilevsky: history and modernity / ed. by V.V. Sidorin. – M.; St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2024. P. 134-158.

493.  Sorokin P.A. The ways and power of love. Part two. The structure of a creative personality. Chapter seven. Forms and methods of integration of personality and creativity (translation Sapov V.V.) // Heritage. 2024. No. 1 (24). Pp. 165–172.

494.  Sorokin P. A. Revolutionary journalism: 1917-1918 / Comp., podgot. text, introductory article and commentary by V.V. Sapov. Syktyvkar: Anbur LLC, 2024. – 840 p. (Pitirim Sorokin. Collected works)

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