Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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7001. Patients of the moscow polyclinics in the conditions of health protection re-structuring

7002. Kolesnikova E.M. Pre-School Teachers: Profession as a Resource of Social Mobility // Journal of sociology and social anthropology. 2016. V.XIX. № 1 (84). p. 137-148

7003. Kolesnikova Elena. Teachers private and public preschool education in Russia // Ydowskie read: perspectives of sociology. Collection of scientific papers of the conference, St. Petersburg, 14-16 Dec 2015 / Under the editorship of O. B. Bozhkova, S. S. Yaroshenko, V. Y. Bocharova. SPb.: Publishing house Eidos, 2016

7004. Sapov V.V. Pitirim Sorokin: first steps in the New world (1923-1927). Legacy, 2016, Issue 2(9), pp. 145-150.

7005. Adamyants T.Z. Following in the footsteps of mental processes // Chelovek. 2016. №4. P.165-171.

7006. Markin VV, Voronov VV. The training of highly qualified personnel in the discourse of the Bologna process: highway versus roadside. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2016; 2(20):164-175. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.083.020.201602.164-175

7007. Political participation and political action // Mass politics: institutional basis / ed. S.V.Patrushev.- M .: Political Encyclopedia, 2016.- 286 pp;., Ill. - (Political science of Russia).

7008. Scherbina V.V. Population- selection model development of organization. Issues of social theory Almanac. Vol VIII, Issue 1-2 , p 50-58.

7009. Сruise and wreck of the soviet ice-breaker Chelyuskin in the 1933-34s: the socio-psycholigical analysis

7010. However, as the principle and ideal of national life the labor of the society // PSASC. 2016. № 2 (55). С. 7-15.

7011. Klimova SG Entrepreneurs in the market of social services: the conditions of success / Helping Professions: scientific rationale and innovative technologies. - Coll. Art .: 100 anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod State University. NI Lobachevsky / Edited by prof. Z. Saralieva. - Nizhni Novgorod: Publishing house NISOTS 2016. – p.41-45

7012. Representation in the Russian way: the model of the electoral system and citizens' preferences // Politics and Science at the crossroads of our time: to the end of the Jubilee Congress RPSA. Yearbook 2016 / Russian Political Science Association / Ch. Ed. A.I. Soloviev. - M.: Political Encyclopedia, 2016.- P.373-398

7013. The presumption of injustice of the Russian society: socio-cultural prerequisites and consequences

7014. Juvenile delinquency in modern russian society: causes and methods of prevention (sociological analysis)

7015. Scherbina V.V., Popova E. P. A Problem of rationalization of managerial activity in bissiness organization . Part 3.

7016. The problem of reforming of power-managment vertical in the context of processes of regions' sociocultural modernization

7017. The problems of preventive work with children who had suffered from domestic violence//Modern problems of education, pedagogy, socialization of children in the context of innovative practices: Monograph / Ed. B.S Pavlov. - M: Pero publishing, 2016. p. 65-72.

7018. Problems of certification of practices of national medicine in russia in modern conditions

7019. Bedrik A.V., Panfilova Yu.S. Problems of socialization of youth and the role of sports mega-projects in their solution. Uchenye zapiski Krymskogo federalheskogo universiteta imeni VI. Vernadsky. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology, 2016, Vol. 2 (68), № 1, pp. 35-43.

7020. Problems of labour adaptation of unstably busy workers (precariat) in the russian labour market

7021. Productive activity and types of rural households in the structure of the informal sector

7022. Arutyunyan Yu.V., Drobizheva L.M. The passed ways and some problems of modern Russian ethnosociology/ In: Ethnosociology yesterday and today / Ed. by L.V. Ostapenko, I.A. Subbotina. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016. P. 29-39.

7023. Rogovaya А.V. Ideological countering of extremism and terrorism in the Russian Caucasus (on materials of sociological research). Ojkumena. Regional Researches. 2016. № 3 (38). P. 45-54.

7024. Pronina E.I. Professional self-determination of senior pupils (based on the study)// Actual problems of the sociology of culture, education, youth and management [Electronic resource]: materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation (Ekaterinburg, 24-25 February 2016)/ under gen. ed. Yu.R. Vishnevsky. - Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. Un-ta, 2016. - 1210 p. - Tit. from screen.

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