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7152. Modern discourse of russian nationalists (based on the analysis of internet activity)

7153. Modern concept of identity and new trends of formation of civilization and patriotism of senior pupils

7154. Consent in modern Russia

7155. A solidarity activity as a resource for inter-ethnic harmony in russian society

7156. Joint activity: practices of social participation and new perspectives

7157. Gofman, Alexander. Solidarities and Absract Rules in Societies of 21st Century // XYI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. In 4 vol. Ed. by E.Yasin. Vol.4. Moscow: Higher School of Econiomics, 2016. P.249-256.

7158.  Sapov V.V. Sorokin P. A. Articles and reviews written in the United States (1924-1927). Legacy, 2016, Issue 2(9), pp. 151-167.

7159. Social identity in ideological conditions of shaping and change // Social change in modern society. - Ulyanovsk:Zebra. 2016 - P.21-33.

7160. Social imitation: experience of analysis of symbolic social reality: monograph / Y. G. Volkov; South Federal University. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of Southern Federal University, 2016. - 112 p.

7161. Social responsibility of business: debtor, benefactor, or partner?

7162. Social policy in the field of health in Russia. Social policy in China and Russia: monograph /ed.ed. Z. T. Golenkova. - M.: New chronograph, 2016. - 528 р.

7163. Popova I. (2016) Social Justice in the Scientific Debates 1990-2010s. Mir Rossii, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 56–75 (in Russian)

7164. Social justice in the regional diversity

7165. Social enviroment as a factor preventing extremism among young people // Conflictology. 2016. Vol.2. P. 220-227.

7166. Markin V.V., Silin A.N. Socio-spatial transformations of the territory of Yamal: experience of socological research. Scientific bulletin of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. Sociological bulletin. 2016. No. 3(92). P. 105-113.

7167. Trofimova I.N. Social and economic potential and prospects for innovative development of territories. In: Russia: Trends and Development Prospects. Yearbook. Issue 11. / RAS. INION. Sci. cooperation department; Ed. V.I. Gerasimov. - M., 2016. - Part 3. Pp.780-783

7168. Socioeconomic behavior of Russian households // Bulletin of the Russian monitoring the economic situation and the health of the population of HSE (RLMS HSE). Vol. 6 [electronic resource]: Sat. scientific. Art. / Hole. Ed. P. Kozyrev. Electron. text. Dan. (Volume 3.34 Mb). M .: Nat. issled. Univ Higher School of Economics, 2016. P. 7-95.

7169. Social welfare of people with disabilities: theory, relevance, factors

7170. Rusinova N.L., Safronov V.V. Welfare State and Health Inequalities in Europe. The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 2016. № 4.(87) P. 49-70.

7171. Social inequality and new forms of hired labor in western countries

7172. Social inequality as a negative factor family education: statistical analysis

7173. Vozmitel Andrey A. Social Inequality: Conflict Fields in Todeys Russia

7174. Social feeling and aftercare of Chernobyl rescuers (on the occasion of thirtieth anniversary since the disaster)

7175. Social aspects of the preparation of preschool workers in Russia

7176. Malysheva G.A. Social moods and the search for points of agreement. In: Political agreement: from theory to practice: monograph / col. authors; Ed. prof. O.M. Mikhaylenko. - Moscow: RUSAINS, 2016. 276 with. Pp. 149-172.

7177. Social inequalities in modern Russia: subjectivity, main directions of development

7178. Social norms: a stigma or an advantage for sociological theorizing? from attempts of definition toward the typology of theories of norms

7179. Social workers about problems in new work ing conditions: sociological analysis

7180. Social risk as the faktor of differentiation (corruption as the example)

7181. Social memory meanings: formation and transformation

7182. Karavai A.V. Russian workers: social capital and capital accumulation settings // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2016. № 3 (133). P. 1-15.

7183. Tikhonova N.E. (2016) Social Liberalism: is there an alternative? // Social liberalism / ed. А.Rubinstein, N.Pliskevich. - SPb .: Aletheia. P. 74-97

7184. Nazarenko A.V. Socio-cultural determinants and indicators of social and political harmony. In: Political harmony: from theory to practice: monograph. number of authors under the editorship of Professor O. M. Mikhailenko. Institute of sociology RAS. Moscow: RUSYNS, 2016. P. 83-114.

7185. Sociocultural contradictions between the power and society in modern Russia

7186. Social and Cultural Types in the Science of Society. To the Typology of Mentality. Article 1

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