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7951. Thurstone Scale

7952. Dyatlov A.V., Popov A.V. Ethics and culture of organizational behavior. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2015, No. 9, pp. 78-83.

7953. Engineering Ethics and the University: how is it possible to educate ethical engineer? // Semestrial papers of applied ethics. 2015. Issue 46. P. 63-76


7954. Kukonkov P.i. The Relevance of Sociology. Conflictology, 2014, # 5, pp. 363-366.

7955. Association of state research centers: the experience of self-organization of industrial science

7956. Relationship between health condition and material welfare: gender dimension

7957. Levchenko N.V. Impact of people management system (for example, activity zoozaschitnikov) // Nature and society in an era of change. Series Sotsioestestvennaya story. Genesis of the crisis of nature and society in Russia. Ans. Ed. Kulpin ES-Gubaidullin (co-editor Borisova EA). Vol. XXXVIII. M .: ID-energy. 2014. С. 156-168

7958. Kukonkov PI High school as the factor of socialization of students. Russia: Trends and Prospects. Yearbook. Vol. 9. Part 2 / RAS. INION. Dep. scientific. Cooperation and Intern. relationships; Ans. Ed. YS Brewers. - M., 2014. - 706 p.

7959. Civic education and civic nation // Obshaya tetrad. Journal of the School of civic education. 2014. N. 2-3 (65). P. 100-111.

7960. Civic Education and Patriotism // Obshaya Tetrad. Journal of the School for Civic Education. 2014. N. 1 (64).

7961. Civic education and freedom // Obshaya tetrad. Journal of the Schoool for civic education. 2014. N. 4 (66). P. 40-53.

7962. Yu.Krasin. Humanism, Modernization, Intelligentsia // RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN №7 (129). Academic Journal. Stries: International Relations. Regional Studies/ Moscow 2014.

7963. Mukomel Vladimir. Diaspora - Partner in the Development of Tajikistan. International Organization for Migration. Dushanbe. 2014. p. 147

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