List of publications

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11951.  Tatiana A. Koshemchuk, Widersteht nicht dem Bösen, lasst es in euch eindringen. Tolstoj, Woloschin, Steiner (Teil 2). Ins Deutsche übertragen von S.V. Volzhin. AGORA-Magazin, 7/8 2018, S. 23-31.

11952.  Tikhonova N.E. Income Stratification in Russia in Comparison with Other Countries. Social Sciences, 2018, Vol. 49, Issue. 1, pp. 18-34.

11953.  Tikhonova N. Russians on the Correlation Between the Interests of the State and Human Rights. An Empirical Analysis. Social Sciences, 2018, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 3-16.

11954.  Tyurina Irina O. Youth and digital space in Russia: Internet-participation and communications. In: Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries / edited by Tom Dwyer (University of Campinas, Brazil), Mikhail K. Gorshkov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Ishwar Modi (University of Rajasthan, India), Chunling Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China), Mokong Simon Mapadimeng (University of Limpopo, South Africa). - World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd. 2018. – P. 761-780.

11955.  Vagramenko T.A. Forthcoming (2018). Chronotopes of Conversion and the Production of Christian Fundamentalism in the Post-Soviet Arctic. Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, Vol. 17(1), pp. 63-91.

11956.  Vanke A. (2018) Masculinities, Bodies and Subjectivities: Working-Class Men Negotiating Russia’s Post-Soviet Gender Order. In: Walker C., Roberts S. (eds) Masculinity, Labour, and Neoliberalism. Global Masculinities. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

11957.  Yadranskii D., Chigrin V., Chumak E. The economic, social, and spiritual efficiency of the economic system: approaches to assessment. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 380-386.

11958.  Yanitsky O.N. On Transition to Postmodernity and the Role of an «Ideal City» Modeling. International Journal of Political Science (IJPS), 2018, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 49-56.

11959.  Yanitsky O.N. Russian Megalopolis: Processes of Divergence, Separation and Integration of its Agents. International Journal of Political Science (IJPS), 2018, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 5-13.

11960.  Yanitsky, O. N. (2018). Come+ON! 50 Years of the Club of Roma: Reflections and critisism. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(1) 279-289.

11961.  Yanitsky, O. N. (2018). Globalization and the New Silky Road Project. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(4) 13-23.

11962.  Zelenko B.I. Dynamic aspect of sociopolitical relations development: contemporary russian contex. 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM, 2018. Issue 1.2. P. 61-67.

11963.  Zelenko B.I. Social consent as legitimacy of power: the main dominants. Justitias Welt, 2018, Issue 35, pp. 2-8.

11964.  Zemnukhova L.V. Digitalization as a Sociotechnical Process: Some Insights from STS. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham: pp 125-133.

11965.  Zhanna Nikolaeva e Sergey Troitskiy, « An Introduction to Russian and International Studies of Cultural Exclusion Zones », Rivista di estetica, 67 | 2018, 3-19.

11966.  Zhelnina, A. 2018. James M. Jasper and Jan Willem Duyvendak, eds. Players and Arenas: The Interactive Dynamics of Protest. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 10, 3 (Dec. 2018), 106-109.

11967.  Zhelnina, Anna. James M. Jasper and Jan Willem Duyvendak, eds. 2015. Players and Arenas: The Interactive Dynamics of Protest. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015. Laboratorium. 2018. 10(3):190–194.

11968. Malinov A.V. «... Sweet baby of Pan Mongolism». Eschatology of Nationalism. Solov'ev studies, 2018, Issue 1, pp. 6-20.


11969. KuznetsovI. (2017) The Balance of Interethnic Attitudes as an Indicator of State of Interethnic Relations. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 58–80 (in Russian)

11970. V.V. Kozlovskiy, R.G. Braslavsky. (2017) V.O. Klyuchevsky as a historical sociologist and theorist of civilization // Klyuchevsky: memoirs and research / Ed. by A.V. Malinov. SPb.: Publishing house of Polytechnic University. – P. 219-256

11971. Galindabaeva V.V. (2017) «Golovary» ili «istinnyye buryaty»?: reprezentatsii sel’skoy maskulinnosti v buryatii [«Golovars» or «True Buryats»?: Representation of Rural Masculinity in Buryatia]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 20(5): 113–132 (in Russian).

11972. Maslovskaya E.V. (2017) Conceptualization of European Modernity in Gerard Delanty’s Sociology. Russian Sociological Review, ¹ 3, pp. 395-408

11973. Mukomel V. (2017) Xenophobes and Their Opposites: Who Are They? Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 32–57 (in Russian)

11974. Savinskaya O., Dudchenko O., Mytil A. (2017) Metodicheskiy audit nezavisimoy otsenki kachestva v sotsial'noy sfere:vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniya [The Methodical Audit of Independent Quality Evaluation in Social Sphere: Possibilities and Limitations]. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15 (1): 97-112 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1727-0634-2017-15-1-97-112

11975. Odinokova V. A., Rusakova M. M., Usacheva N. M. (2017) Experience of evaluation of well-being of children living in state care institutions for orphans. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. ¹ 2. P. 129—144.

11976. Duka A., Shvaya A. (2017) Pereraspredeleniye vlasti i defitsit democratii [The redistribution of power and the lack of democracy]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 20(2): 203-211 (in Russian).

11977. Chernysh M. (2017) Pitirim Sorokin and His Theory of Revolution. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 71–96 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2017-26-4-71-96

11978. Mannila S., Eremicheva G. (2017) Prinyatiye riskov pri sozdanii malogo semey- nogo biznesa v Rossii — razmytyye granitsy zhiznennogo kursa [Risk-taking and Business Entry in Russia — Blurred Borders of a Life Course]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antro- pologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 20(2): 142–176 (in Russian).

11979. Wiener B. (2017) Russian Ethnology at the Beginning of the 21th Century: The Cognitive Structure of the Discipline Based on Journal Co-citation Analysis // Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 165–193 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038Õ-2017-26-3-165-193

11980. Dmitriev A., Voronov V. (2017) Russia in the Context of Spatial Development: a View from the Mid-Northern Periphery. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 169–181 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2017-26-4-169-181

11981. Ilyin V. (2017) The Structure of Russia’s Historical Path Dependency. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 30–50 (in Russian).

11982. Glazkov K.P. (2017) The bodily presence in location-based mobile games. Part 1. Sociology of Power, 29 (3): 163–196.

11983. Kozlovskiy V. (2017) Civilizational Contours and the Effects of the Russian Revolutions in the 20th Century. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 7–29 (in Russian).

11984. Tikhonova N., Karavay A. (2017) The Human Capital of Russian Workers: The Overall State and Its Specifics. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 6–35 (in Russian)

11985. Grigor’eva K. (2017) Ethnicity as a Social Resource and a Constraint: the Case of Ethnic Communities in Krasnodar Region. Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 81–102 (in Russian)

11986. (2017). Social Services for the Elderly: Formal and Informal Rules and Practices. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15(4), 573-588.

11987.  Andreev A.L. Values in contemporary Russian society // Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski. 2017. VIII/2. P. 359–366.

11988.  Andrey Bykov. Altruism: New perspectives of research on a classical theme in sociology of morality. Current Sociology, Volume 65. Issue 6. Oktober 2017. First Published August 4, 2016; pp. 797-813. URL:

11989.  Andrey Makarychev, Alexandra Yatsyk et Vera Galindabaeva (2017). Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 48, pp 335-338 doi:10.4074/S0338059917003114

11990.  Anikin V. (2017) The New Russia? Yes. Comment on Recent Findings From «Is New Russia New?». Mir Rossii, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 51–70. DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2017-26-4-51-70

11991.  Anikin V., Lezhnina Y., Mareeva S., Tikhonovà N. Social Stratification by Life Chances: Evidence from Russia. Basic Research Program. Working Papers. Series: Sociology. National research university Higher shcool of economics. WP BRP 80/SOC/2017, 26 p.

11992.  Anikin V.A. Russia in Post-Transition: New Frontiers. The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 2017, Vol.12, pp. 79–100.

11993.  Anikin, V. A. (2017) Occupational Propensity for Training in a Late Industrial Society: Evidence from Russia. International Journal of Training and Development. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 249-284.

11994. Byzov Leonty. Axiological Transformation of Russian Society Amid a Sociopolitical Crisis and Post-Crimea Syndrome // Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017. Vol. 48. ¹1. P.18-34.

11995.  Baluev D., Kazakov M., Rykhtik M., Ulmaeva L., Ustinkin S. Human Security Concept as an Analytical Framework for the Study of Asymmetric Conflict. Revista Espacios. Vol. 38 (Nº 44) Año 2017. Pág. 28-38.

11996.  Bauböck R., Brettell C., Crul M., Martiniello M., Mukomel V., Reeves M., Tkach O., van Tubergen F. Forum // Urban studies and practices. 2017. Ò. 2. ¹ 1 (6). pp. 11-24

11997.  Cherednichenko G.A. Entering the adulthood In: Russian youth in the dynamics of decades. Statistical materials and research results: [monograph] / [D.L. Konstantinovskiy,G.A. Cherednichenko et al]. M.: IS RAS, 2017. – 190 p. P. 78-129. + 1 CD ROM

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