List of publications

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201. Arefiev A.L. Education of Foreign Citizens in the Educational Organizations of the Higher Education of the Russian Federation: Statistical Collection / Ministry of Science and Higher Education of The Russian Federation. — Issue 17 (2020). — Moscow : Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, 2020. — 180 p.

202. Toshchenko Zh. T. Obshchestvo travmy: mezhdu evolyutsiey i revolutsiei (opyt teoreticheskogo i empiriticheskogo analiza [Society of Trauma: between Evolution and Revolution (Experience of theoretical and applied analysis)] / Institute of Sociology, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian State University for Humanities. Moscow: Izdatelstvo VES MIR, 2020. 352 p.

203. Social Studies: Handbook for Preparing for the Unified State Exam on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation with Changes. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2020. - 288 p.

204.  The victory that changed the world (wars, revolutions, reforms in the fate of Russia): [Monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A. A. Galkin, Yu. S. Oganisyan [et al.]; Ed. by O. M. Mikhaylenok; . - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2020 – - 405 p.

205. Levachov V.K. The Political Culture of Russian Society (Sociological Analysis) : Monograph / V.K. Levachov. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2020. – 307 с. DOI: 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-347-8.2021

206. Andreev A.L. Political Psychology: A teaching aid for an academic bachelor's degree. Moscow: Urait Publishing House, 2020. 162 p.

207.  Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] / ed.: edited by O. M. Mikhailenoc – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2020. – 262 p. (Consent in society as a condition for the development of Russia. Issue 6).

208.  Precariat: the emergence of a new class (collective monograph) / Ed. Zh.T. Toshchenko. – M.: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, 2020. – 400 p.

209.  Spatial development of small towns: social strategies and practices: [monograph] / M. F. Chernysh, V. V. Markin [et al.]; ed. by M. F. Chernysh, V. V. Markin; Preface by M. K. Gorshkov; FNISTC RAS. - Moscow: FNISTC RAS, 2020. - 523 p.

210. Sorokin P.A. Contemporary sociological theories (through the first quarter of the XX century) / Transl. and comp. by A. K. Konyukhov and V. V. Sapov; introduction and commentary by V. V. Sapov. - Syktyvkar: LLC Anbur, 2020 – 912 p.

211.  Sorokin P.A. Listki iz russkogo dnevnika – i 30 let spustja [Leaves from the Russian diary-and 30 years later] / Comp., translation, podgot. text, introductory article and commentary by V. V. Sapov. – SPb.: Scythia-print, 2020. - 488 p.

212.  Sorokin P.A. Populjarnye ocherki sotsialnoy pedagogiki i politiki / Podgot. text, introductory article and commentary by V. V. Sapov. – SPb.: Scythia-print, 2020. – 164 S.

213.  Sorokin P.A. Rossija i Soedinennye Shtaty [Russia and the United States] / Comp., translation, podgot. text, introductory article and commentary by V. V. Sapov. – SPb.: Scythia-print, 2020. – 330 p.

214. Sapov V. Social thought of Russia: past, present and future (scientific, journalistic and critical Articles). Moscow, Saint Petersburg: Center for humanitarian initiatives, 2020, 304 p. (Series Humanitas)

215. Lenkov, R.V. Social forecasting and projecting: a training manual / R.V. Lenkov. - 3rd ed., Revised. and add. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2020 .-- 189 p. - (Higher Education: Undergraduate). - DOI 10.12737 / 1058988. - ISBN 978-5-16-108204-1. - Text: electronic. - URL: (accessed date: 03/31/2020)

216. Adamyants T.Z. Social Communications. Tutorial. 2nd edition, re-worker and additional. Series 76 Higher education. M., Yurait, 2020. — 200 p.

217.  Sociology of youth: a textbook for high schools / R.V. Lenkov [et al.]; edited by R.V. Lenkov. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - Moscow: Publishing house Yurayt, 2020. - 357 p. - (Higher education).

218.  Domination structures, citizens and institutions / [A. V. Zhavoronkov et al.]; S.V. Patrushev, L.E. Filippova (eds.). - M. : Political encyclopedia, 2020. 318 p. - (Political Science of Russia).

219. Bozhkov O.B. The fate of representative empirical research in contemporary sociology. For the XII readings in memory of Valery Borisovich Golofast. March 24-26, 2020 - SPb .: Norma, 2020

220. Theory and methodology of politics (cognitive accents of modernity): textbook / M. M. Mchedlova. - Moscow: RUDN, 2020. - 143 p.

221.  Human capital of the Arctic regions: systemic problems and technologies for their solution: monograph / OM Barbakov, ML Belonozhko, LN Belonozhko [and others]; otv. ed. A.N. Silin, V.V. Markin. - Tyumen: TIU, 2020 .- 180 p.

222. Export of Russian educational services: Statistical Collec-tion. Issue 10 / Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. — M.: Pushkin State Russian Lan-guage Institute, 2020. — 557 p.

223. Express information “How are you, Russia?”, 50th stage of the sociological monitoring, August-September 2020 / V. K. Levashov, N. M. Velikaya, I. S. Shushpanova [et al.]; executive editor V. K. Levashov. – M.: Perspectiva Publishing, 2020. – 64 p. URL:


224. Rusakova M. M., Odinokova V. A., Izotova M. Kh. P88 Actual issues of childhood protection in St. Petersburg: prevention of suicidal behavior and violence, the participation of children in decision-making as a condition for the effectiveness of prevention: Methodological recommendations. - St. Petersburg: Scythia-print, 2019 .-- 82 p.

225. Influence of World Wars of the 20th Century on Latin American Society / Stroganova E.D. - M .: Publishing house All World, 2019. - 120 p.

226.  Domination against politics: the Russian case. The effectiveness of the institutional structure and the potential of strategies for political change / [S. G. Aivazova et al.]; S.V. Patrushev, L.E. Filippova (eds.) - M.: Political Encyclopedia, 2019 .-- 319 p.: Ill. - (Political Science of Russia)

227.  The dynamics of socio-political relations and the phenomenon of consent in modern society: [monograph] / [A.V. Brega et al.]; resp. ed. O.M. Mikhailenok – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. – 197 PP.

228. Yanitsky Oleg N. A Life in the blogs: Short Notes on the History of Sociology and other Sciences [monograph]. – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2019. – 176 p. Available at: (Accessed 28 May 2019).

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