List of publications

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401.   L.S. Rzhanitsina, G.L. VoroninI.P. Udovenko. Moscow children's budget: a new social technology program-oriented management [[Text]] / L.S. Rzhanitsina, G.L. Voronin, I.P. Udovenko; ANO The Board of Management and Development Moscow: Variant, 2016 - 232 s.

402.  National policy in Russia: the possibility of implementing foreign experience: monograph / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. - M.: Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2016. - 422 p.

403. Inequality and strains in the social space of the Russian regions: monograph / P.I. Kukonkov, S.V. Ustinkin.-Moscow: RUSAJNS, 2016. -162 p.

404. Semenova, Lyudmila. New Layers in the Socio-professional Structure of Russian Society. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016. - 80 p.

405. Images of ideology and humanism in modern Russia: monograph / Y.G. Volkov. - Moscow: Knorus, 2016. - 208 p.

406.  Basic educational program of pre-school education Tropinki / ed. by V.T. Kudryavtsev. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2016. - 592 p.

407.  Volkov Y.G., Lubsky A.V. Fundamentals of Sociology and Political Science: Textbook. Аllowance. 2nd ed., Additional (secondary prof.). M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 204 p.

408. Paradigm of social action: professionals in Russian modernization: [monograph] / O.Aksenova. – Moscow: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2016. - 304 p.

409. Regional problems of diaspora of the new-earth communities: expert dimension[monograph] / V. V. Voronov, A. V. Dmitriev – M.: New Chronograph, 2016. - 128 p.

410.  Respublika Bashkortostan. Demograficheskij doklad. Vypusk 2 / pod red. R.M. Valiahmetova, G.F. Hilazhevoj, N.K. Shamsutdinovoj. Ufa: Vostochnaja pechat', 2016. 148 p.

411. Russian youth: from education to work (on the materials of sociological studies of educational and professional trajectories) [monograph] / G.A. Cherednichenko – St. Petersburg: Publisher RHGA, 2016. — 392 pp.

412.  Rossiiskoe obschestvo i vyzovy vremeni. Kniga 3 / [Russian society and challenges of the time. Book Three/ M.K. Gorshkov [et al.]; Ed. by Gorshkov M.K., Tikhonova N.E. Moscow: Izdatelstvo Ves Mir, 2016. 424 p.

413. Volkov Y.G. Independent work of students: a practical guide / Y.G. Volkov, A.V. Lubsky, A.V. Vereshchaginа. - M.: KNORUS, 2016. - 142 p. - (Bachelor's and Master's).

414. Grishaeva N.P. Modern technologies of effective socialization of the child in preschool educational organization: methodical manual / N.P. Grishaeva. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2016. - 184 p. - (Tropinki)

415. Social imitation: experience of analysis of symbolic social reality: monograph / Y. G. Volkov; South Federal University. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of Southern Federal University, 2016. - 112 p.

416. Gurko T. A. Theoretical approaches to family studies (2th ed.). Moscow: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences. −210 p.


417.  The updated values of Russian society / I.A. Khaliy, ed. Moscow: Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015.

418.  Power and society in the Russia regions: practices of interaction: [monograph] / I.A.Khaliy, ed. - M.: Institute of sociology Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015

419.  Dimensions of Russian Education. М.: Center for Sociological Research, 2015 – 644 pages

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