List of publications

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201.  Voronin G.P., Kiseleva. I.P., Kozyreva P.M., Kosolapov M.S., Evgrafova K.O., Nizamova A.E., Smirnov A.I., Sokolova S.B. Socio-economical behavior of Russian households (on RLMS-HSE data 1992-2012). Vestnik of Russian Longitudinal monitoring survey HSE (RLMS-HSE). Issue 4. [Electronic resource]/ Ed. by Kozyreva P.M. Moscow, Higher School of economics. Pp. 7-95. URL:

202. Markin V.V. Sociological monitoring of assessing the effectiveness of regional management bodies. In: Modernization of the national management system: analysis of trends and forecast of development. Materials of the all-Russian scientific and practical conference and the XII-XIII Dridzev readings (November 21-22, 2013) / editorial Board: A.V. Tikhonov (ed. ed.), E. M. Akimkin, V. S. Bogdanov, and others. - Moscow: Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2014. P. 48-55.

203. Sociology: a textbook / Yu. G. Volkov - Izd. 3rd, Sr. - Rostov on / D: Phoenix, 2014. - 667, [1] p. - (Higher education).

204. Evgrafova K.O. Transport activity of population. Vestnik of Russian Longitudinal monitoring survey HSE (RLMS-HSE). Issue 4. [Electr. resource]/ Ed. by Kozyreva P.M. Moscow, Higher School of economics. Pp. 116-130. URL:

205. Transformation of gender order in CIS countries: institutional factors and mass politics effects

206. Transformation of stress in the social space/ Conflictology, 2014, no. 4.

207. Ukrainian crisis and foreign policy priorities of Russian society. Russia and the World: the anatomy of modern processes. Ed. EA Narochnitskaya. - M .: International Relations, 2014

208. Fascism in the Historical Memory of the Contemporary Epoch

209. Serikov A.V., Barkov F.A. Phenomenological reconstruction of the markers of the group identity of the Don Cossacks. Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge, 2014, № 7. pp. 42-50.

210. Dyatlov A.V., Popov A.V. Functioning of local government: the role of the market. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2014, No. 7, pp. 161-169.

211. Independance of Montenegro reasons and consequences // Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. N 6. Nizhni Novgorod: Nizhni Novgorod University Press, 2014. P. 41-50.

212. Panfilova Yu.S. Extremism in a virtual environment as a social problem: reflection in the minds of young people. Almanac of modern science and education, 2014, Issue 9. ˗pp. 101-104.

213. Empowerment as a sign and problem of modern mass politics

214. Ethical Strategies in Engineering // Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics. 2014. Issue 44. P. 67-81/

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