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251. New urban quality - new urban politics (the city and knowledge) // Municipal Power. 2015. N.4. P. 40-48.

252. New Urban quality - New Urban politics (creative city) // Municipal Power. 2015. N.6. P. 20-31.

253. New urban quality - new politics (theme of the city) // Municipal Power. 2015. N. 3. P. 26-37.

254.  New Meanings in Educational Strategies of Youth: 50 years of research [monograph] / D. Konstantinovskiy, M. Abramova, G. Cherednichenko, G. Goncharova, V. Kostyuk, E. Popova, E. Voznesenskaya. — M. : Social Forecasting and Marketing Center, 2015. — 232 pp.

255. New structures of employment and orientations of the youth

256. New trends in providing student loans in Russia and possible development prospects

257. Education and employability: opportunities and reality

258. Popova E.S., Educational strategies of youth: the motivation of choice [Obrazovatel'nyye strategii molodezhi: motivatsiya vybora ] // Novyye smysly v obrazovatel'nykh strategiyakh molodezhi: 50 let issledovaniya [monografiya] / D.L. Konstantinovskiy, M.A. Abramova, Ye.D. Voznesenskaya, G.S. Goncharova, V.G. Kostyuk, Ye.S. Popova, G.A. Cherednichenko. — M. : TSSP i M, 2015. — 232 s. Pp. 98 - 123.

259. Social morality in the context of social transformation

260. Volkov Y.G., Barkov F.A., Serikov A.V., Chernous V.V. Social and political moods of youth in the Southern region: the potential of public and protest activity. In: Regional sociology: problems of consolidating the social space of Russia. Moscow: New Chronograph, 2015. Р. 379-410.

261.  Lay and academic knowledge about society: interconnections and reconfigurations [monograph] / I.F. Deviatko, K. Bruckmeier et al. Ed. by; Institute of sociology, RAS; . – Мoscow, Progress-Tradition, 2015.

262. Konstantinovskiy D.L. Graduation, intentions and reality: what they wanted - what they got [Okonchaniye shkoly, namereniya i real'nost': chto khoteli – chto poluchili] // Novyye smysly v obrazovatel'nykh strategiyakh molodezhi: 50 let issledovaniya [monografiya] / D.L. Konstantinovskiy, M.A. Abramova, Ye.D. Voznesenskaya, G.S. Goncharova, V.G. Kostyuk, Ye.S. Popova, G.A. Cherednichenko. — M. : TSSP i M, 2015. — 232 s. Pp. 184-209.

263. Klimova S.G., Shcherbakova I.V. The experience of research of the Territorial Context of Civic Engagement // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2015. No 3. Pp. 12-27

264. Vaskov M.A., Dyatlov A.V. Organizational culture in the context of the discourse of ethical values and intra-organizational relations. Socio-humanitarian knowledge, 2015, No. 7, pp. 244-249.

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