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601. Popova IP. Creative professional career. How is the professional control possible? RSUH/RGGU Bulletin.“Philosophy. Sociology. Art Studies” Series. 2019;2:91-102. DOI: 10.28995/2073-6401-2019-2-91-102

602. Biriukov D. Taxonomies of Beings in the Palamite Literature. Part 2. The Palamite Doctrine in the Context of the Previous Byzantine Tradition and Its Reception in the Russian Religious Thought of the XXth Century (the Philosophy of Creativity by Sergei Bulgakov). Constantine’s Letters, 2019. Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 69-79.

603. Burmykina O.N. Trends of Changes of Intergenerational Family Relations. Petersburg’s Sociology Today, 2019. Issue. 12, pp. 134-153.

604. Aksenova O.V. Regression trends in Russian localities as a result of modernization. In: The Future of Sociological Knowledge and the Challenges of Social Transformations (on the 90th birthday of V. A. Yadov). [Electronic resource]. International Scientific Conference (Moscow, November 28-30, 2019). Collection of materials / Ans. ed. M.K. Gorshkov; FNISTS RAN. - M .: FNISTS RAN, 2019 . - P. 63-65.

605. Bystrova A. Formation trends of the Russian elite of Sevastopol: five years after joining the Russian Federation. Vlast' i elity [Power and Elites], 2019, 6 (1), pp. 139-168.

606. Brega A.V., Mikhaylyonok O.M., Nedyak I.L. Theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of socio-political consent. Research traditions and modern approaches. In: Dynamics of socio-political relations and the phenomenon of consent in modern society: [monograph] / [A.V. Brega et al.]; resp. edited by O.M.Mikhailenok ; FCTAS RAS– M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. P. 8-42.

607. Mitrofanova A.V. Center-Periphery Theories. In: Theory and Methodology of Political Science. Textbook. Ed by. S.V. Rastorguev. Moscow: KNORUS, 2019. P. 203-216.

608. Muftakhova A.N. Territorial mobility in the European Union countries. Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 145-160.

609. Technologies of effective socialization in kindergarten and primary school. Planning, results, diagnosis: [teaching manual] / ed. N.P. Grishaeva. – M .: Linka-Press, 2019. – 264 p.

610. Zadorozhnyuk, I.E., Korosteleva, L.Yu., Tebiyev, B.K. (2019). TOP-200 Higher Education Institutions in Four International Ratings: Comparative Analysis. Vol. 28. No. 3, pp. 85-95.

611. Meshkova L. I. Transformation of the socialization factors of youth in the 21st century: data analysis of the RLMS-HSE for 1995-2017. Education and science in Russia: state and development potential : Collection, 2019, Issue 4, pp. 307-333.

612. Maslovskaya E.V. Transformation of the Institute of advocacy and processes of Legal professionalization in post-Soviet Russia. Teleskop zhurnal sociologicheskih i marketingovyh issledovanij, 2019, Issue 4, pp. 8-14.

613. Karbainov N.I., Nedoseka E.V. Transformation of Soviet modernity in Russian single-industry towns. In: Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [A. Y. Ardalyanova, P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky, etc.]; Rev. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. – M.: FNESC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. Pp. 146-155. Text electron. URL: id=1198&id=7792

614. Voronkova O.A. Transformation of factors of socio-political identification in the networked public sphere. Socio-gumanitarian Journal, 2019, Issue 5, pp. 152-161.

615. Atanasova, A. A. (2019), Value transformation of the social entrepreneur in environmental activity, Research Result. Sociology and management, 5 (1), 12-24, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-1-0-2

616. Dzutsev Kh.V., Debirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Republic of Dagestan. Part I. Ethnosocium and interethnic culture, 2019, Issue 10 (136), pp. 41-51.

617. Dzutsev Kh.V., Debirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Republic of Dagestan. Part II. Ethnosocium and interethnic culture, 2019, Issue 10 (136), pp. 66-78/

618. Dzutsev Kh.V., Dibirova A.P., Tutaeva L.O. Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Republic of Ingushetia. Part I. Mission of denominations, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 5(40), pp. 587-596.

619. Dzutsev Kh.V., Dibirova A.P., Tutaeva L.O. Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Republic of Ingushetia. Part II. Mission of denominations, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 5(40), pp. 609-618.

620. Dzutsev Kh., Debirova A., Kornienko N. Labor and Economic Activity in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania of the Russian Federation. Central Asia and the Caucasus, 2019, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 95-110.

621. Dzutsev Kh.V., Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Part I. Mission of denominations, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 6(41), pp. 732-741.

622. Dzutsev Kh.V., Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Part II. Myths of confessions, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 6 (41), pp. 777-784.

623. Dzutsev Kh.V., Betilmerzaeva M.M., Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Chechen Republic. Part I. Cossacks, 2019, No 41(5), pp. 104-116.

624. Dzutsev Kh.V., Betilmerzaeva M.M., Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Labor and economic life in the Chechen Republic. Part II. Cossacks, 2019, No 42(6), pp. 127-138.

625. Bizyukov P.V. Labor protests in small cities of Russia. In: Small cities in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [A. Y. Ardalyanova, P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky, etc.]; Rel. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. – M.: FNESC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. P. 459-485. Text electron. URL: id=1198&id=7824

626. Yarasheva A. V. Youth Workforce: Current Regional Problems. Ekonomika i upravlenie = Economics and Management. 2019;(11):53–58 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2019-11-53-58

627. Toshchenko J.T. At the Origins of Scientific Sociological Periodicals

628. Epikhina Yu.B. Job satisfaction depending on the employment type. In: The Future of work: global challenges and regional development : collection of articles of the International Forum Future of work: decent work for all (Ufa,February 4-5, 2019) / ed. by Baimurzina G.R., Valiakhmetov R.M. Ufa: Mir Pechati, 2019. P. 86-90.

629. Tikhonov Aleksandr V., Merzlykov Andrey A. Manageability of social group formation processes in regions with different level of sociocultural modernization. Research result. Sociology and Management, 2019, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 176-183.

630. Beginina I.A., Ivchenkov S.G., Ivchenkova M.S., Shakhmatova N.V. The level of ethnic-confessional tolerance in the Saratov Region. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 2019;19(4):722-736. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2272-2019-19-4-722-736

631. Korshunov I.A., Peshkova V.M., Malkova N.V. Successful Strategies of Vocational Schools and Universities in Implementing Continuing Education Programs. Educational Studies, 2019, Issue. 1, pp. 187–214.

632. Artemenko N.A. Oral History and Theproblem of

633. Sogomonov A.Yu. Sustainability as applied metaethics. Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics, 2019, Issue 54, pp. 108-125.

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