List of publications

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51. Safronov V.V. Citizen’s Dissatisfaction with Democracy and Protest: Russia in The European Context. Telescop: Jurnal sociologicheskich i marketingovich issledovaniy. 2016. № 2. P. 27-37.

52. Mukomel Vladimir I., Grigorieva Ksenia S. Novations in the Russian Migration Legislation in the Context of Law Application (Beginning)// Migration Law. 2016. N2. pp.3-10

53. Novations in Russian Migration Laws in the Context of Law Enforcement (Ending) // Migration Law. 2016. N3. pp.3-9

54. Chernysh M. (2016) New Forms of Social Mobilization? Social Experiments in the Republic of Belarus (Comments on Ronan Hervouet’s Article).Mir Rossii, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 52–58 (in Russian)

55. Does the Russian economy need human capital? 10 doubts

56. Panteleev V.G. The image of the regions as a subject of sociological research. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2016, No. 12-2, pp. 244-250.

57. Education and continuity of Russian engineers: new challenges, old problems

58. Chernysh M. (2016). Social sciences and the problem of inequality book review: piketty t. (2014) capital in the 21st century, n.y.: belknap press. Third edition. Mir Rossii, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 187-196. (in Russian)

59. Trofimova I.N. Socio-political attitudes and orientations of today's Russian youth // Politics and Society. 2016. No 10. P. 1387-1399.

60. Dmitriev A.V., Voronov V.V. About the content of ontology and phenomenology of labor. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2016. Nr.11. Pp. 96-107.

61. Odinokova V.A., Zakharova Y.P., Rusakova M.M. Experience of the sociological survey of children living in orphanages. Petersburg Sociology Today: Proceedings of the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016. Vol. 7. P. 116-143.

62. Organizational and legal agglomeration management model // Management and Business Administration. 2016. № 3. С. 12-27.

63. Didenko D. V. (2016). The Individual View on the Complexities of the National Economy Modernization (Reflections on the Book by G. I. Khanin). Journal of Institutional Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 105-119.

64. The main directions of mutual adaptation of local population and migrants in the Republic of Bashkortostan// Bulletin of VAGU. 2016. №2. P.164-170.

65. Methods to Assess Individual Performance of Researchers Employed in the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Specific Ways to Apply These Methods and Experience of Applying Them // proceedings of The Academy of Management of the Interior Ministry of Russia. 2016. № 3 (39). P. 95-100.

66. Konstantinovsky D.L., Popova E.S. The Intention of Young People to Higher Education in Modern Russia // Obshchestvennyye nauki i sovremennost'. 2016. № 1. Pp. 5-19.

67. Karavay A. V. The Attitude of Russian Workers to Managing their Resources: Finances, Health and Spare Time // The Journal of Social Policy Studies. 2016 vol. 14, no 2, pp. 229-244

68. Ivchenkova M.S., Ivchenkov S.G. Assessment of Population Status Information about Competitive Environment on the Markets for Goods and Services of the Saratov Region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Sociology. Politology, 2016, Iss. 16 № 3, pp. 274-279

69. Yaishnikov A.Yu. Student evaluation of employment prospects as the basis of activity in the process of socialization in higher school. Vestnik NSUEM. 2016. № 4. С. 192-201.

70. Kolesnikova E.M. Pre-School Teachers: Profession as a Resource of Social Mobility // Journal of sociology and social anthropology. 2016. V.XIX. № 1 (84). p. 137-148

71. Sapov V.V. Pitirim Sorokin: first steps in the New world (1923-1927). Legacy, 2016, Issue 2(9), pp. 145-150.

72. Adamyants T.Z. Following in the footsteps of mental processes // Chelovek. 2016. №4. P.165-171.

73. Markin VV, Voronov VV. The training of highly qualified personnel in the discourse of the Bologna process: highway versus roadside. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2016; 2(20):164-175. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.083.020.201602.164-175

74. Scherbina V.V. Population- selection model development of organization. Issues of social theory Almanac. Vol VIII, Issue 1-2 , p 50-58.

75. However, as the principle and ideal of national life the labor of the society // PSASC. 2016. № 2 (55). С. 7-15.

76. Scherbina V.V., Popova E. P. A Problem of rationalization of managerial activity in bissiness organization . Part 3.

77. Bedrik A.V., Panfilova Yu.S. Problems of socialization of youth and the role of sports mega-projects in their solution. Uchenye zapiski Krymskogo federalheskogo universiteta imeni VI. Vernadsky. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology, 2016, Vol. 2 (68), № 1, pp. 35-43.

78. Rogovaya А.V. Ideological countering of extremism and terrorism in the Russian Caucasus (on materials of sociological research). Ojkumena. Regional Researches. 2016. № 3 (38). P. 45-54.

79. Gofman A. Last summer in Montreal. The notes of a Russian participant of the 20th International Congress of French-speaking sociologists // Personality. Culture. Society. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. XYIII. Issue 3-4 (91-92). Moscow, 2016. P. 248-252.

80. Public policy as an institution and mechanism of implementation of the strategy of partnership between government, business and the nonprofit community (on the example of Kursk region)

81. Didenko D. Creativity in Economic History Retrospective: Intellectual Laborers in Industrial and Postindustrial Society // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. 2016. No. 1. P. 80-89.

82. Litvinova T. N. Development of the Russian Federalism in the Conditions of Post-Soviet Political Transformation // Studia Politologiczne («Political science studies»), 2016, vol.39, pp. 51-66.

83. Schtrbina V.V. Rationalizing social technologies //Bulletin of peoples Friendship University of Russia. Series Sociology. 2016, № 1 , p 141-162..

84. Regional safety as an object of sociological monitoring

85. Markin V.V. Regional Structure of Russian Society: Problems of Social Reproduction. Part 2. Main Actors of Regional Fields: Interaction at Different Levels. Vestnik VEGU, 2016, No. 4(85), pp. 83-97.

86. Markin V.V. Regional structure of Russian society: problems of social reproduction. Part 3: Main trends of social tension and conflictogenity in Russian Regions. Vestnik VEGU, 2016, No. 5 (85), pp. 65-73.

87. Valerii Markin, Anastasiia Rogovaia. Regoinal laws and social conflicts // Monitoring of law enforcement, 2016, No 2(19), pp. 4-12.

88. Mchedlova M.M. Religious and the worldview factors and interethnic relations in Russia // Research result / Sociology and Management. 2016, V.2, №3 (9), pp. 40-44

89. Vanke A.V., Kulaev M.A. Representations of Workers in Russian print Media

90. Peshkova V.M. Representations of North Caucasian communities in the regional media. Journalist. Social Communications, 2016, № 3 (23-24). pp. 148-158.

91. Dyatlov A.V., Popov A.V., Sazhin P.V. The Role of National Identity in the Formation of the European Union. Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2016, No. 11, pp. 84-92.

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