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3551. Vozmitel A.A., Kukonkov P.I. Coevolution of government and self-government in the regions of Russia. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. NI Lobachevsky. A series of social sciences. 2014. №4. 250. Publishing house UNN.

3552. Patrushev S.V., Philippova L.E. Mass politics in Russia: Stating the problem of study and conceptualization // Political science. Moscow: INION RAS, 2014. N4. P. 9-29.

3553. Batykov I. V., Methods of making decisions on law violation on the basis of sociological expertise. Theory and Practice of Social Development. 2014. No. 2. Pp. 422-424.

3554. Gavrilova I.N. Public control in Russia within the framework of basic democracy // Problem analysis and public administration projection. Theory, practice, methodology. N6(38), v.7, 2014

3555. Kurikin A.N. The Features of the Russian legal awareness and political modernization. MIR (Mod. innov. razvit.), 2014, no. 3 (19), pp. 70–76.

3556. Batykov I. V. The planning of sociological examination of individualization means. Education: econommy and financial economy; enterpreneurship; law and management. 2014. No. 3 (46). Pp. 103-110.

3557. Vaskov M.A., Dyatlov A.V. Approaches to determining the role of organizational factors in the genesis of managerial culture in large business. Socio-humanitarian knowledge, 2014, No. 11, pp. 137-141.

3558. Stroganova E. D. US policy towards lefting regimes in Latin America (part VI). Bereginya.777.Owl. Scientific journal, 2014, Issue 2 (21), pp. 76-110.

3559. Miryasova O.A. Potentsial, repertuar i faktory massovoi politicheskoi aktivnosti v Rossii // Politicheskaya nauka. 2014. №4. S.162-185. ISSN 1998-1775.

3560. Ethics in Engineering: A Call for the Renewal // Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics. 2015. Issue 45. P. 35-47

3561. Kukonkov P.i. Education And Modernization Processes In the Conditions Of the Region. Conflictology. 2014. # 5. 166-170.

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