Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

HUMANITIES OF THE SOUTH OF RUSSIA Scientific - educational journal 

2019. No5

Table of Contents

To the Readers p.9-15

To the 100th Anniversary of Yu.A. Zhdanov

Antagonism and Contradiction: on the Issue of Analysis of Public Relations Yuriy A. Zhdanov p.16-30

Yu.A. Zhdanov’s Ideas in the Context of Sociological Analysis of Post-Reform Russian Culture Mikhail K. Gorshkov p.31-44

Give Yourself to the Spirit, Give Yourself to a Friend Zory Balayan p.45-49

Yu.A. Zhdanov and Islamic Research in the South of Russia: Status and Prospects Igor P. Dobaev p.50-63

My Teacher Yu.A. Zhdanov Viktor V. Krivopuskov p.64-65

Yu.A. Zhdanov on Heuristic Potential of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature Таmara P. Matyash p.66-77


Social Inertia in the Dynamics of Sociocultural Changes in Russian Society: Specifics of Scientific Discourse and Methodological Parameters of the Research Maxim A. Gnatyuk p.78-96

Ethnic and Urban Identities: Confrontation or Complementarity? Murat M. Zyazikov p.97-112

Ethnic Identity in Social Processes: Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Scientific Research Maryna A. Igosheva p.113-124

The Phenomenon of Propaganda in the Period of National European States’ Formation Elena M. Morozova p.125-133

The Military Security of Modern Russia in the Context of the Spread of Hybrid Political Technologies Olga M. Shevchenko, Lyudmila L. Shtofer p.134-148

Global Aspects of Nationalism’s Development as a Form of Regionalization and Separatism Olga A. Yanchenkova p.149-158


Typological Features of the Modern Russian Family as a Source of Reproduction of Social Inequality Anna V. Aperyan p.159-168

The Dynamics of Urban Metabolic Subculture in the Context of Formation of New Sociocultural Reality Valentin P. Babintsev, Galina N. Gaidukova, Zhanna A. Shapoval p.169-178

Demonstrative Youth Consumption in the Context of the Expansion of the Information Society and Global Digitalization Sergey S. Chernykh, Konstantin V. Vodenko, Angelina M. Kovalenko, Ilya V. Chernov p.179-189

Self-Realization of Students in the Work of Intra-University Small Innovative Enterprises as a Factor of Social Well-Being Zalina A. Makoeva, Radina M. Zheligotova, Aues M. Kumykov, Bashir B. Hubiev p.190-197

Religious Orthodox Tradition and Russian Modernization: an Evolutionary Development or Radical Changes? Maria A. Podlesnaya p.198-213

Social Inertia, Modernization and Archaization in the Trajectory of Sociocultural Dynamics of Modern Russian Society Vitaliy S. Pusko, Nikolay G. Skvortsov, Gennady A. Vorobyov, Svetlana A. Liausheva p.214-223

Institutional Transformations as a Way to Overcome Social and Economic Inequality in Modern Russia Anna I. Yakovleva p.224-237


Features of the North Caucasian Culture and Its Influence on Regional Socio-Economic Development Mariyam G. Agaeva p.238-247

International Consent in the Consciousness and Everyday Culture of Youth in the Rostov Region in the Context of Migration Processes in the South of Russia Yana V. Artamonova, Dmitry N. Mishchenko, Oksana Yu. Uzunova, Azamat Kh. Luyev p.248-259

The International Political Vector of Social Activity of National-Cultural and Confessional Associations in Russia (on the Example of the Rostov Region) Andrey V. Bedrik, Natalia K. Bineeva, Angela N. Dyachenko p.260-268

Cult Phenomena of Russian Civilization through the Prism of Art and Design Viktor O. Pigulevskiy, Lyudmila A. Mirskaya p.269-283


Model of Digital VAT Administration as a Tool to Reduce Tax Risks Vera A. Stroiteleva p.284-294


XIV Zhdanov Readings Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Yuri Andreevich Zhdanov’s Birth p.295-299


Books Submitted to the Journal p.300-306


Rules for Authors p.307-311