Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Latov Yu.V. Functions of households and families in economic science. In: Family households and family policy in modern Russia

Latov Yu.V. Functions of households and families in economic science. In: Family households and family policy in modern Russia / R.M. Nureev, E.A. Kapoguzov, Y.V. Latov, R.I. Chupin ; ed. by R.M. Nureev, E.A. Kapoguzov. - Moscow : KNORUS, 2023. P. 24-30.
ISBN 978-5-406-11752-1
DOI нет

Posted on site: 24.07.23



Elements of the content and results of the scientific project Family households as an economic entity are given. An interdisciplinary analysis of the essence and function of family households, foreign experience in family policy, theoretical and applied problems of marital behavior are presented. Particular attention is paid to the problems of implementing family policy in Russia, in particular, in the context of solving the problem of poverty and stimulating the birth rate and the effectiveness of public spending in the field of family policy. For students, graduate students and research scientists in the declared fields and all those interested in economics and sociology of the family and family policy.