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Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Oros-Mongolyn hamtarsan komissyn ajild oroltsson tuhai. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Mongol, Oros hamtrasan komiss - 30 zhil (1992-2022). Archivny barimt bichig, gerel zurag, dursamzhiin emkhetgel. Editor: Samdangiin Enkhbaatar, Chuluuny Oyuunchimeg. Ulaanbaatar, 2023. 207-213 dakh tald. (Zheleznyakov A.S. About participation in the work of the Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives. Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives - 30 years (1992-2022). Collection of archival documents, photographs and memories. / Ed. Samdangiin Enkhbaatara, Chuluuny Oyuunchimega, Ulaanbaatar - (in Mongolian), 2023, pp. 207-213).4. B.G. Tukumtsev - scientist, humanist, educator. In: Budimir G. Tukumtsev: the best articles. Ed. by Bocharov V.Yu. – Samara: Samara University Press; 2023. P. 580-588.5. Tikhonova N.E., Slobodenyuk E.D. Poverty and poverty of Russian professionals: scale and causes. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. М. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. Р. 280-306.6. Rostovskaya T.K. Introduction. In:Russian society and the state in the context of the formation of a new world order: the demographic situation in 2022: [monograph] / S. V. Ryazantsev [and others]; resp. ed. S. V. Ryazantsev, T. K. Rostovskaya; FNISC RAS. - Moscow: Prospekt, 2023. - P. 6–7.7. Latov Y.V. Introduction. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. М. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. P. 5-15.8. Mikhaylyonok O.M. Introduction. Networks. Hierarchies. Politics. In: Transformation of political relations in a networked society: [[monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Brega, O. A. Voronkova [et al.];ed. by O. M. Mikhaylenok ; SIC RAS. – M. : FNISTC RAS, 2023. P. 4-21.9. Latov Y.V. Vector of human capital evolution of professionals and prospects for Russia's international competitiveness. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. М. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. P. 407-439.10. Orekhova I.M. Types of activities of the self-employed in Tuva at the present time. In: Informal employment in Russia and Mongolia in modern conditions: kol. monogr. / scientific ed. Z. T. Golenkova, ed. D. D. Badaraev. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the BNC SB RAS, 2023. P. 139-155.11. Sigareva E.P., Sivoplyasova S.Yu. The influence of the birth of children on the socio-economic status of the family // Scientific results of Sociology – 2022: collection of articles based on the materials of the II International Scientific Online Forum, February 15-17, 2023 / ed. by I.S. Shapovalova. – Belgorod: Publishing house BelGU NRU BelGU, 2023. P. 31-43.12. Instead of a preface. Emigration: as a consequence and as a factor of social and cultural transformations // Ivanov Yu.V. Russian emigration: historical choice and fate. 1917-1939. Brief information and biographical reference book. – M.: «Perot Publishing House», 2023. P. 4-18.13. Gorina T.I. The introduction in Russia of a special tax regime Tax on professional income in the mirror of statistics: regional differences. In: Informal employment in Russia and Mongolia in modern conditions: a collection of monographs / scientific ed. by Z. T. Golenkova, ed. by D. D. Badaraev. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the BNC SB RAS, 2023. P. 46-72.14. Tikhonova N.E., Karavai A.V. Intragroup differentiation of human potential of professionals and peculiarities of its reproduction. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. М. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. P. 174-222.15. Biyzhanova E.K. Border in the view of border territories residents. In: Cross-border area of the East of Russia in the modernization processes of the 20th and 21st centuries (to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Buryatia): collected articles / scientific editor B. V. Bazarov, editorial board M. N. Baldano [and others]. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat Scientific Center of SB RAS Press, 2023. P. 185-188.16. Rogovaya A.V. Public organizations in small towns: main problems and potential. In: Cross-border area of the East of Russia in the modernization processes of the 20th and 21st centuries (to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Buryatia): collected articles / scientific editor B. V. Bazarov, editorial board M. N. Baldano [and others]. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat Scientific Center of SB RAS Press, 2023. P. 211-214.17. Gurko T.A. Variability of family and reproduction patterns in Russia. In: Urban Development in Russia and China: Patterns of Modernization / [M. K. Gorshkov et al.]; Ed. by M. K. Gorshkov, Li Peilin, P. M. Kozyreva, M. F. Chernysh ; FCTAS RAS. — Moscow: Novyy Chronograph, 2023. Р. 245-271.18. Tikhanova N.E. Dynamics of the socio-professional structure of Russian society and the specifics of professionals as a special group within it. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. М. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. P. 78-115. Next → 1   2   3   4   5   6