Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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201. Shchenina O.G. Communicative practice of political relations in the social state. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P.197-212.

202. Tarasenko L.V., Panfiloa Yu.S., Romanova G.M., Ukraintseva I.I., Romanov M.S. A complex sociological portrait of school leavers, students and graduates of the system of secondary vocational education: theoretical and methodological bases of the research. Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2017, Issue. 4 (47)/

203. Rybakova L.N. Controlled consumption of drugs and problems of social communications. The scientific journal Discourse. 2017. No. 10 (12). P. 105-120.

204. Mozgovaya A. V. The concept of responcibility in the field of risk research and risk management, Proceeding of Southwest State University, Economy, Sociology, Management. 2017, vol. 7, no. 1(22), pp. 166-174.

205. Khotsenko V.P. Corporatism in the context of the formation of the cadre of administrative management. Bulletin of the Adyghe State University.Series Regionology: philosophy, history, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, culturology, 2017, №3, pp. 181-187

206. Khotsenko V.P. Korporativizm in professional activity of subjects of administrative management. Municipal records SKAGS, 2017, №3, pp. 261-265.

207. Corporatism of subjects of administrative management in the Russian society: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house The Foundation for Science and Education, 2017. - 168 p.

208. Corruption in Russia: information and legal methods of counteraction: textbook / resp. ed., Candidate of Law, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Isakova Y.I. Rostov on/D.: Fund for Science and Education. 2017.- 128 pp.

209. Teryokhina, A.N. 2017. Kochevye shkoly: ogranicheniia ili vozmozhnosti? [Nomadic Schools: Limitations or Opportunities?]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 137-153

210. Rudenko N. Krizis reprezentacii v social'nyh naukah na rubezhe 1980-1990h gg.: kritika processa poznanija i sociologicheskih narrativov. Filosofija i jepistemologija nauki, 2017, Vol. 51, № 1, pp. 207-222

211. Guseynova, Ksenia. Critical discourse-analysis as an effective method of the qualitative analysis of scientific and educational texts. Nauka.Me. 3 (2017). URL:

212. Lourie S.V. The Culture and Its Script. Generalized Script as the Intracultural Integrator. Social Sciences and Contemporary World. 2017, № 2, pp. 153–164.

213. Marshak A.L. Culture as a basis of contemporary Russian ideology: challenges and prospects. RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2017, 17 (4), 503—512.

214. Alexander Gofman. Leon Bourgeois, Celestin Bougle and solidarism. Introductory article // Solidarism in France in the Third Republic Period. Ed. by Alexander Gofman. Moscow: KDU, Universitetskaya Kniga, 2017. (Ser. Theory and History of Sociology). P.4-20.

215. Davydov A. Personality in a Non-Personalistic Culture of Russia (on materials of Russian Literature). In: Literature in the System of Russian Culture. Towards 70-annual anniversary of prof.I.V. Kondakov. International scientific-practical conference Moscow. 15 April 2017. M.: Academy of Social Management. 2017. P.43-53.

216. Panfilova Yu.S. Macrosocial Factors of Intergenerational Population Mobility in the Rostov Region. State and Municipal Management. Scientific notes SKAGS, 2017, No. 1, pp. 250-254.

217. Mass politics / Public Policy and Administration: A Handbook manual for universities / Ed. A. I. Solovyov. - M .: Aspect Press, 2017. - S.410-428.

218. Nogovitsin O.N. Matter of education. Pedagogy of Climent of Alexandria and the start of Platonic cosmology. RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN. Series:Psychology. Pedagogics. Education, 2017, № 2 (8), pp. 9 – 28.

219. Drobizheva L.M. International (interethnic) relations in Russia in the mirror of monitoring surveys of FADN and regional studies. VESTNIK ROSSIJSKOJ NACII (Bulletin of Russian nation), 2017, No. 4 (56), pp. 107-127.

220. Ustinkin S.V., Morozova N.M. The international relations in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. «Obozrevatel–Observer», 2017, Issue 4, pp. 51-58.

221. Burmykina O.N. Integrational family contract: the views of young generation Petersburg Sociology today, 2017, pp.150-159.

222. Dmitriev A.V. Ethnic conflict and their interpretation In: Diaspora and communities in modern Russia: Factors of reproduction of traditional values in transcultural environments, ed. by A. V. Dmitriev. M.: LENAND, 2017. P. 19-22.

223. Dyatlov A.V., Panfilova Yu.S., Pshegusova G.S., Gerasimov G.I. Interethnic relations in a polyethnic region: features of perception by the population (on materials of the South of Russia). Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series of regional studies: philosophy, history, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, culturology, 2017, №4, pp. 87-96

224. Malysheva G. A., Local government in the process of social the reform of modern Russia. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P.170-196.

225. Troitsky S.A., Gulyaeva N.L. A Method of Cultural Transformations Mapping. Observatory of Culture, 2017, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 482-488. DOI: 10.25281/2072-3156-2017-14-4­482­488

226. Shilova V.A., Guseynova K.E. Methodological and methodical foundations of international (motivational target) textual analysis of media publications the regions with different level of modernization. In: Russia and the world: global challenges and strategies of socio-cultural modernization. Materials of International scientific-practical conference (Moscow, 12-13 October 2017) / Ed. By A. V. Tikhonov. M. - FNISC RAS – 2017 – 627-636

227. Tikhonov A.V., Guseynova K.E., Zhavoronkov A.V., Bogdanov V.S., Shilova V. A., Chapter 6. Methods and procedures for studying the attitude of the population of regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization to living conditions and to the work of the power-management vertical. In: Russia: reforming of the power-management vertical in the context of problems of sociocultural modernization of the regions / a. v. tikhonov (resp. ed.), moscow: fnisc ras - 2017 – P. 60-75.

228. Ustinkin s.v., Kukonkov n.m., P. Morozova Migrants and Diaspora representatives in the multiethnic Region of Russia

229. Grigoreva K.S. Migrants from Tajikistan in Kaluga: factors that lead to adaptation to the host environment and interethnic interactions. In: INAB No. 1 - 2017. Interethnic tension in a changing social context: the results of the study [Electronic publication] / [M. F. Chernysh and others]; Ed. by M.F. Chernysh. - Electron. text. Dan. (the volume is 1.7 MB). - Moscow: FSTAS RAS, 2017. - P.107-121. 1 electron. opt. a 12 cm disc (CD-ROM).

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