Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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1. Adaptation and integration of polyethnic space of the regions of Russia: problems, recommendations [monography] / Dmitriev A. V., Voronov V. V. - M.: The New Chronograf, 2017. - 184 p.

2. Chirikova, A. E, Ledyaev, V. G. Governance in Russian Town [Text] / A. E. Chirikova, V. G. Ledyaev ; National Research University Higher School of Economics.  — Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2017.  — 416 pp. — 500 copies. — ISBN 978-5-7598-1579-2 (hardcover). — ISBN 978-5-7598-1657-7 (e-book).

3. Volkov Y. G. Dissertation: preparation, protection, design. Practical guide. 6 th , ed. Moscow: KnoRus, 2017. 218 p.

4. Loginov, A.V. Evrazia i islam. M.: Bolshaya rossijskaya entsikopedia, 2017. — 343 pp.

5.  Implementation of foreign models of national integration, value policy and institutional practices in the field of inter-ethnic relations in the Russian context: monograph resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. - Moscow: Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2017. - 332 p.

6.  Engineering dynasties of Russia: monograph/ scien. ed. V.A. Mansurov – M.: RSS, 2017. – 331 p. 1 CD ROM

7. Corporatism of subjects of administrative management in the Russian society: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house The Foundation for Science and Education, 2017. - 168 p.

8. Corruption in Russia: information and legal methods of counteraction: textbook / resp. ed., Candidate of Law, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Isakova Y.I. Rostov on/D.: Fund for Science and Education. 2017.- 128 pp.

9.  Mobility and Stability in the Russian Labour Market / Eds. V. Gimpelson and R. Kapeliushnikov; National Research University Higher School of Economics. – Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2017. – 529, [7] p. – 500 copies. – ISBN 978-5-7598-1532-7 (hardcover). – ISBN 978-5-7598-1622-5 (e-book).

10. Reliability of Results of Sociological Research

11.  Practices of socialization in the educational environment in the conditions of modern society: theoretical and methodological approaches and empirical studies: collective monograph/ scientific. ed. M.V. Rybakova. - M .: Publishing house Pero, 2017. - 243 p.

12. Provocation: sociophilosophical essays. Monograph /A. V. Dmitriev, A. A. Sychev. – M.: CSEM, 2017. – 336 p.

13.  Russian youth in the dynamics of decades. Statistical materials and research results: [monograph] / [D.L. Konstantinovskiy, G.A. Cherednichenko et al]. M.: IS RAS, 2017. – 175 p. + 1 CD ROM

14.  M.K. Gorshkov (Editor), A.L. Andreev, R.E. Barash, L.G. Byzov, L.M. Drobizheva, A.V. Karavay, N.V. Latova, Yu.V. Latov, Yu.P. Lezhnina, S.V. Mareeva, M.M. Mchedlova, V.V. Petukhov (Editor), R.V. Petukhov, N.N. Sedova, I.N. Trofimova, N.E. Tikhonova. Russian Society and Challenges of The Time Book Five

15.  Russia and the world: global challenges and strategies of socio-cultural modernization. Materials of International scientific-practical conference (Moscow, 12-13 October 2017) / Ed. by A. V. Tikhonov. M. - FNISC RAS - 2017 - 760.

16.  Solidarism in France in the Third Republic Period. Ed. by Alexander Gofman. Moscow: KDU, Universitetskaya Kniga, 2017. 196 p. (Ser. Theory and History of Sociology).

17.  Social Justice in the Modern World. – / Eds. L.I. Nikovskaya, V.N. Schevchenko, V.N. Yakimets. – Moscow, Publisher «Kluch-C», 2017. – 446 p.

18.  The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of sociology Russian Academy of Sciences. – Moscow: RAS FNESC, 2017. – 268 S. (the Harmony in the society as the condition of development of Russia. Issue 5).

19. Kukonkov P.I. Social tension: sources, factors, transformation: monograph / P.I. Kukonkov.- Nizhniy Novgorod: Gladkova O.V., 2017. –225 p.

20. Adamyants T.Z. Social meanings in global processes and changes: mechanisms and catalysts [monograph] [electronic resource] / T.Z. Adamyants; Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. М.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017. -100 p.//Official Portal of IS RAS [Web site]. URL:

21.  Social factors of interethnic tension in Russia: monograph / [M. F. Chernysh and others]; Ed. by Yu. B. Epikhina, M.F. Chernysh. - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2017. - 336 p.

22. Sociology of the future: sociological knowledge and social project: monograph / Y.G. Volkov. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2017. - 178 p.

23. Stroganova E.D. USA and lefting regimes of Latin America (in the second half of XX – beginning XXI century). M. 2017. – 288 p.

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