Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications


1. Rusakova M. M., Odinokova V. A., Izotova M. Kh. P88 Actual issues of childhood protection in St. Petersburg: prevention of suicidal behavior and violence, the participation of children in decision-making as a condition for the effectiveness of prevention: Methodological recommendations. - St. Petersburg: Scythia-print, 2019 .-- 82 p.

2. Influence of World Wars of the 20th Century on Latin American Society / Stroganova E.D. - M .: Publishing house All World, 2019. - 120 p.

3.  Domination against politics: the Russian case. The effectiveness of the institutional structure and the potential of strategies for political change / [S. G. Aivazova et al.]; S.V. Patrushev, L.E. Filippova (eds.) - M.: Political Encyclopedia, 2019 .-- 319 p.: Ill. - (Political Science of Russia)

4.  The dynamics of socio-political relations and the phenomenon of consent in modern society: [monograph] / [A.V. Brega et al.]; resp. ed. O.M. Mikhailenok – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. – 197 PP.

5. Yanitsky Oleg N. A Life in the blogs: Short Notes on the History of Sociology and other Sciences [monograph]. – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2019. – 176 p. Available at: (Accessed 28 May 2019).

6.  Information and analytical bulletin (INAB), 2019, Issue 1, Interethnic relations in the republics of the Russian Federation: an example of Tatarstan and Sakha (Yakutia), 89 p. URL:

7. Malinkin A.N. The Concept of the Phenomenology by Max Scheler. Scheler vs Husserl. Moscow: Russkaya shkola, 2019. 230 p.

8.  Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [Ardelyanov A. Y., P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky et al.]; ed. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. - - M.: SIC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. – 545 p. URL:


10. Aleshkovsky I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Krukhmaleva O.V. Opyt sociologicheskogo analiza sistemy obrazovaniya regiona Rossii na primere Kemerovskoy oblasti [The experience of sociological analysis of the education system of the Russian region on the example of the Kemerovo oblast] I.A. Aleshkovsky, A.T. Gasparishvili, O.V. Kruhmaleva. - M.: MAKS Press, 2019. 412 p.

11.  Political science: textbook / edited by Ya. a. Plyais, S. V. Rastorguev — 2nd edition corrected and supplemented-Moscow: INFRA-M, 2019. - 414 p. — (Higher education: bachelor's Degree).

12. Mchedlova M.M. Religion in the political process of Russia: institutions, values, governance: handbook. – Moscow: People's Friendship University of Russia, 2019.

13. Russian youth within the context of sociological analysis

14.  Sotsiologiya Rossii v litsakh: istoriya i sovremennost. Entsiklopedicheskoye izdanie. Ed. by Academician M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Izdatelstvo VES MIR, 2019. 864 pp. Ill.

15. Technologies of effective socialization in kindergarten and primary school. Planning, results, diagnosis: [teaching manual] / ed. N.P. Grishaeva. – M .: Linka-Press, 2019. – 264 p.

16.  Culture and Education: Social Transformations and Multicultural Communication. Proceedings of the Middle-Term Conference RC04 Sociology of Education ISA. Moscow, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2019. 675 p.

17.  Culture and Education: Social Transformations and Multicultural Communication. Program and book of abstracts of the Middle-Term Conference RC04 ISA. Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages RUDN University, July 24-26th, 2019. 176 p.

18.  Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. 328 p. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

19.  Morgan W.J., Trofimova I.N., Kliucharev G.A. Civil society, social change, and a new popular education in Russia. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series. London – New York: Routledge, 2019. – 180 p.

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