Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sociological Science and Social Practice 

(Scociologicheskaja nauka i social'naja practika)

№ 2, 2016



To the Reader (3-4)


Innovations in Russia

Natalia V. Latova, Yuryi V. Latov Innovative platforms of Russia – "good and various" (structural analysis) Part 2 (5-20)


Regional Sociology

Vadim S. Kaminskii Social Mood of Inhabitants of Vologda Region in Economic Crisis Conditions (21-39)


Sociology of the Family

Tatiana A. Gurko Formation of the Institution of Mediation in Family Disputes in Russia: Laws, Theory and Practice (40-69)

Julia P. Lezhnina Family Institution in Russia: on the Path of Transformation (70-90)

Ekaterina M. Arutjunova Socio-Political Participation and Consolidation of Society in Russian Multi-Ethnic Regions (91-106)


Reflections on the Book

Ivan E. Zadorozhniuk Domestic Education: (Historical) Surveys and (Social) Sections (107-122)

 Anatoly A. Ovsyannikov Kravchenko S. A. Sociology of Risk and Security. The Tutorial and Workshop (123-138)