Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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7251. Yazhborovskaya I.S. Transformation and Populism - Signs of the Times. In: Socio-political processes in contemporary Western Europe. International scientific conference p.n. Program evolution of the main political parties in Poland in 2014-2016 04-05 September 2016. Lubinie / red. Michał Gołoś, Władysław Sokołowski. Chełm: College of International Relations and Social Communication in Chełm, 2016. P. 31-38.

7252. Labor and truth as the basis of civilizational development of Russia // Journal of Social Research.2016.№1. P.42-49. URL:

7253. Labor Migrants in the Context of Russian Demographic, Economic, and Social Development Problems// Labor migration and migrant integration policy in Germany and Russia / edited by Marya S. Rozanova. - Saint Petersburg. Print House “Scythia-Print, 2016. - p.192

7254. Kornilova, Marina, Fadin, Nikita. Employment of disabled in Moscow: age features. News from Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economics. Politics 51, no. 4 (2017). 46-51.

7255. Davydov A. At the Roots of the Russian Reformation. (Reading the Fyodor Dostoevsky's Novel The Double // Social Sciences and Contemporary World, 2016, №3. Р.163-176

7256. At the root of happiness // Chemistry and life - xxi century. 2016. № 9. P. 26-29.

7257. Biyzanova E.K.Border security in the North Caucasus region: the opinion of experts

7258. Latova N. V. Russian satisfaction with life during the crisis: 2015 as a year of bifurcation // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2016. № 3. P. 16—37.

7259. Weber A. There is no alternative to sustainable development // Svobodnaja mysl, 2016, N 1, p. 59-74.

7260. Sogomonov A. Sustainable City: ideas and practices. Article I. The genesis of the concept and its modern interpretations. Municipal Power. 2016. N. 5-6. P. 20-32.

7261. Sustainable University (genesis of a concept) // Vedomosti prikladnoy etiki. 2016. N. 48. P. 142-161.

7262. Sogomonov A. Sustainable University (mission, meanings, curricula, cases). Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics. 2016. Vol. 49. P. 151-170.

7263. Yaishnikov A.Yu. Vulnerability as a risk factor of socialization of the higher school. Sociodynamics. 2016. № 11. С.61-68.

7264. Factors of success and risks of the professional identification in the socialization prosess within high education system

7265. Shaping ecologically focused worldview in education: theoretical approaches // Integration of education. 2016. Vol. 20, no. 3, p. 364–373.

7266. Busurkina I.P. The function of smells in

7267. Scherbina V.V. The goal providing rationalizing diagnostic social technologies in management.

7268. Values and Policies of Russia''s Middle Class During the Economic Crisis

7269. Values of daily activity and time budget use of workers in Russia

7270. Value orientations of the student youth in religious and secular universities

7271. Markin V.V., Silin A.N. Circumpolar Region amid Socio-Spatial Transformation of a Territory (Case Study of Yamal). Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. 2016. No. 6. P. 28-52.

7272. Karavay A.V. Human capital of Russian hereditary workers. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2016. № 6 (136). P. 107-124.

7273. Markin V. V., Silin A.N. Human potential of development of the Yamal frontir. In: Human potential of development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic and Subarctic region: monograph. Ed by A. N. Silin. Tyumen: TIU, 2016. Pp. 12-34.

7274. The evolution of ideas about the principles of production of new sociological knowledge by means of mathematical methods: from classical to post-non-classical schemes

7275. Golbraykh V. B. Environmental Public Initiative in the Internet as a New Public Participation Practice. Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, 2016, №4, pp. 340-350.

7276. Ecological attitudes of population in imposed risk situation

7277. V. Golbraih. Environmental activism: new forms of political participation. Power and Elites / ed. by A.V. Duka, 2016, Volume 3, pp. 98-120.

7278. Levchenko N.V. Enviromental education: the classification of theoretical-methodological approaches // Ojkumena. Regional researches. 2016. №1 (36). p. 109-116. ISSN 1998-6785

7279. Expert assessments of labor market segmentation in different polyethnic regions

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