Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications


1. D. Konstantinovskiy, E. Voznesenskaya, G. Cherednichenko. Russian Youth at the Turn of XX–XXI Centuries: Education, Employment, Social Well-being. — M., 2014. — 548 p.

2. Kliucharev G. A., Didenko D. V., Latov Iu. V., Latova N. V. Continuing education as a stimulus for human development and a factor of socio-economic inequalities. / Ed. by Iu. V. Latov (PhD in Economics, Dr.Hab. in Sociology). M.: IS RAS, 2013. – 433 p. ISBN 978-5-906001-27-6

3. Andreev A.L. From the ABC tj the University: education in Russia till tje end of the Enlightment, V.: Mephi, 2014

4. Sociology: a textbook / Yu. G. Volkov - Izd. 3rd, Sr. - Rostov on / D: Phoenix, 2014. - 667, [1] p. - (Higher education).